Kids promotional products

Giveaway by Nutella – Snoopy Mugs for Kids

Nutella is very popular brand name of a chocolate hazelnut spread manufactured by the Italian company Ferrero, which was introduced on the market in 1963. It is now sold in over 75 countries including Spain. Recently, it is offering promotional gifts as a giveaway for the purchase of the 200 grams spread.

This giveaway is limited edition. These are mugs with Snoopy pictures on theme. There are four pieces to have the full collection. These mugs target the children as they are the ones who consume this product the most.

Giveaway Mugs by Nutella

How distributing giveaways can increase sales?

Nutella hazelnut spread is a product that targets the kids market. Therefore, providing some giveaways with fictious characters like Snoopy will gain more attraction and thus increase sales.

In this promotional campaign, Nutella is offering the opportunity to collect 4 mugs with every 200grams bottle purchased. This is part of sales promotion as the offer of promotional items can intensify the efforts of sales and sell own products as they persuade customers to purchase in a limited time period.

Some words for our spanish followers:

Una vez más la marca Nutella está entre nuestras listas por la reputación que ha ganado a lo largo de estos años y por la manera que cuidan a sus clientes para ofrecerles más que un servicio. En esta campaña publicitaria, se han encargado de enfocar sus productos a los más pequeños de la casa ofreciéndoles una colección de vasos de Snoopy.

Por la compra de una botella de 200 gramos los niños recibirán un vaso de Snoopy de regalo y así sucesivamente hasta que completen la colección. Otra vez vemos como el marketing de una marca debe ser muy considerado para que sea muy útil en el futuro y ayude incrementar las ventas.