Walking into one of the 7-11 stores in Hong Kong, immediately you are greeted by one of Heineken’s Promotion Stands.

Heineken Promtion Stand

So, what promotional methods have this world renowned Beer Company used to capture the attention of the public once again?    Toy trucks.

Heineken Toy Truck

These toy truck designs are, simple, straightforward, using only a few of Heineken’s prominent logo-  remind customers of Heineken whenever they decide to buy a can of beer.

The collectables are currently available at most 7-11 stores in Hong Kong and you can get a toy truck for only 9.90HKD (1.28USD) after purchasing either 4 cans of 330ml or 3 cans of 500ml of Heineken.  They come in 4 different designs and colours so as to encourage repurchase of beers and, its only human nature to tend to collect all different designs.

Designs of collectables

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