Marketing merchandise you don’t see often!

iLuv is currently offering an earpiece as a marketing merchandise at any authorized Apple Inc retailer. Simply purchase any promotional model of iLuv iPhone dock and you get to walk away with this sleek and high quality earpiece. iLuv is the premier provider of innovative and award winning accessories for Apple and smartphone markets and you can be sure that its products are not just well loved, but also reliable. Make your way down to your nearest Apple Inc retailer and grab yours today!

Marketing merchandise you don’t see often!

Why use this marketing merchandise?

There is a growing demand for smartphone accessories that looks good! This marketing merchandise is a great asset for anyone because it combines fashionable elements with premium technology to gain approval from both fashion enthusiasts and tech junkies alike! What definitely strikes the eye for this earpiece would have to be its bright neon colour code. Put a sleek design together with an eye attracting colour would definitely win you all the envy and admiration from your peers!

Boost Sales!

We are all living in the technology age, and the smartphone accessories market is so huge that it is valued at $20 billion in 2012. This shows the demand for accessories and the availability of competitors. Therefore, this marketing gift leverages on brand recall to attract and retain customers. As customers use the earpiece daily, they will be reminded of how good the quality is, and from there, trust and reliance will be built with the brand. This trust that customers have will motivate them for further purchases.

Steadily increase brand awareness and enhance the brand image, by using recyclable materials. Seeing an organization use such materials will bring the brand to a positive light and in turn enhance the corporate social responsibility of the organization. With this in place, the company will be better received by the environmental friendly people out there in the market. Ultimately, this giveaway will generate sales due to an increase in brand awareness and its good image.