New Style For Sockets: A Fashionable Multi-Charging Station

Check out this amazing everyday life product that you can use at home or at your office. A multi-charging station that not just does it’s job, but also looks amazing as well!

Multi-charging station

Such a product is cool and unique. This multi-charging station can be branded as your wish, with many different colors, designs and logo. This multi-charging station can become a trendy and fashionable piece of utility that you are not afraid to showcase! They obviously replace conventional socket plugs that you usually want to hide away from the sight of others.

Multi-charging station

The different designs that you can come up with really showcases the theme of your event or company. If you are a company dealing with environment and health, you could have the option of a multi-charging station in the form of a flower, animal or even a tower! The possibilities for this multi-charging station is endless! So just let your creativity flow and you can design your very own customized multi-charging station and it serves as a great marketing gift to your clients.

This multi-charging station also boosts an overload protector and each socket has an independent switch. When the voltage current flows excessively in any situation, the voltage current protection device will shut down to prevent any overheating or overloading which may result in a power trip.

Multi-charging station

There are also a product that we like : a fashion power socket cable storage box. This product is very useful because you can store all the cable within the box and it can be also branded as your wish.

How is a multi-charging station useful?

This is a really useful product that can be used in different situation. Such a product can make your office look so much neater and cleaner, making it easier to clean up and also easy on the eyes! There is also a possibility to have several USB slots that acts as a speaker. What’s even better is that, you can adapt your socket with different plug ports that caters to different countries like Europe, America or even China.