Nesquik, a brand of milk beverage products made by the Nestlé, is currently giving away plasticine with every promotional pack of Nesquik powder purchased in Russia.

Plasticine as a Promotional Gift by Nesquik, Russia

This plasticine is attached to the pack, so it is clearly seen and will certainly draw the children’s attention. A promotional gift of such a kind acts as an effective incentive product to attract new customers and boost sales!

Plasticine is a great promotional gift for kids. While most companies choose various toys or figurines for kids-targeted promotions, plasticine seems to be even a better option. The reasons are that children surely enjoy playing with toys, however, they get bored easily with the same toys or games. As for plasticine, it offers endless creative possibilities and it will last a very long time and become a part of kids play time, constantly reminding their parents about the brand.

Here are some more marketing gift blogs:

Now a few words in Russian for our local readers:

Во многих городах России сейчас проходит инетресная промо-акция: с каждой покупкой какао Несквик Вы получаете в подарок пластилин. Отличная идея для промо-подарка, ведь пластилин отлично развивает мелкую моторику рук, фантазию, мышление и творческое способности ребенка. Все эти аргументы наверняка покажутся убедительными для взрослых. Что касается ребятишек, то ни один ребенок не сможет пройти мимо красочного пластилина от Несквик.

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