On Pack Promotion – Boosting Sales with Perfume Atomizer

Ladies just love to be presentable all the time. When they are out the whole day, surely they will do some touch up once or twice. However, it is impossible for ladies to carry all their make up set. They have ways to pack light. One example is perfume atomizer. You should consider offering it as on pack promotion.

On Pack Promotion – Perfume Atomizer

Ladies can have more than one perfume. That’s why they will definitely love this product. This product is handy and useful. Besides that, it is highly customizable. You can have it in the shape of conventional lipstick or make it looks like a pen. You may decorate it with crystals or print some patterns over.

There are many kinds of finishing you can choose from. The most common one is shiny finish in metallic colours. Consider offering something else matching. Perhaps combine it with a pen or a mirror. Anything small and compact would be fine to couple this product as an on pack promo.

Do remember to brand them with your logo. This will enforce brand recall. You don’t have to always brand the product prominently. Too much branding may discourage people from using it instead. Brand it in a way that it suits the theme you choose for the gift. For example, if you want to make a deluxe feel, consider branding your logo subtly with foil stamping.

Boosting Sales Volume with On Pack Promo

Offering an on pack promotion will increase the perceived value of the product. On pack promotion is also effective as customers can get the promotional gift immediately. This reduces all the hassle of queueing in customer service desk just to redeem the gift.

On pack promo makes your product stand out more than those of your competitors. Especially when the product is eye catching. Passers- by may consider buying the product for the gift offer. This will also encourage them to try your product. This is because they have benefited from the gift offered. This way, you may win them as loyal customers and increase your market share.