Awards merchandise

Promo Gift France – Avengers Gifts by Cinecomics

Cinecomics, a website specializing in Marvel movies, is currently proposing to their customers several products related to The Avengers movie.

Promo Gift France – Avengers Gifts by Cinecomics

As you can see, Cinecomics is offering the chance to win bags, sweat-shirts, earphones, figurines, USB keys, etc…

To get these gifts, simply go on their Facebook page and like/comment on the pictures. Every 48 hours, 1 lucky winner will be chosen by drawing lots and will be offered one of the gift! So grab this opportunity and go on to Cinecomics Facebook page!

Offering branded products linked with a famous movie or a music band for instance, is a great way to capture attention of your target customers. So the next time you are thinking of organising your next marketing campaign, remember to keep this in mind! You can also approach any of our sales staff to brainstorm some promotional ideas which you can use…

What do you think of this promotional campaign? Tell us how you feel and read up some more related blogs :

Now a few words in French for our foreign readers :

Cette promotion ainsi que celles des bogs mis en liens viennent bien montrer l’opportunité que peut représenter un film comme The Avengers pour des campagnes Marketing réussies.

En effet, ce film étant un véritable blockbuster, les fans vont très certainement être plus attirés par des produits dérivés du film que par un produit “traditionnel”. Ceci vous assurera donc une meilleure visibilité et un impact plus important auprès de vos consommateurs !