Promotional Product France – Pepe Jeans bag by La Redoute

La Redoute, a famous fench online shop was offering nice gifts to its customers back in April. The promotional product offered was a Pepe Jeans bag.

To get this bag, customers simply had to enter a promo code on La Redoute’s website. The unique point about this promotion is that anyone could mail La Redoute for a promo code without even purchasing any of their product.

Pepe Jeans is a famous brand which means this product has certainly appealed to a lot of customers. Moreover the slick design reminds one of a Longchamp bag.

Incentive products are used very often to encourage potential customers to buy products from the company and also to improve the brand image of the firm.

Besides, offering this gift just before the summer was a strategic move by La Redoute. This kind of bags are just what the customers are looking for to hit the beach and for the weekends…

What do you think of this campaign ? Feel free to comment or read up our related blogs!

Now a few words in French :

Les produits incitatifs à l’achat font partie des objets promotionnels très utilisés, en particulier dans la vente par correspondance, comme le montre La Redoute

De plus, en offrant un produit d’une marque connue comme Pepe Jeans, La Redoute augment la valeur perçue du cadeau dans l’esprit de leur clients. En outre, en rendant cette promotion accessible uniquement en entrant un code promo, La Redoute ajoute un sentiment d’exclusivité à ce cadeau.

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