Promotional Solutions from Neste Oil Corporation

Neste Oil is a refining and marketing corporation which produces premium-quality, lower-emission traffic fuels. The Russian branch of Neste Oil is comparatively young, it has only been on the Russian market since 1990. To market their business, they have decided to launch a large-scale promotional campaign. On purchasing certain products at Neste‘s petrol stations, you will receive “medals”, which you can later use to redeem lots of promotional gifts! More specific information is available at the Neste Promo site.

Neste Oil will gain lots of benefits from this promotion. First of all, all the gifts are really useful and some of them are quite original. For example, for 3 medals you will get a book reading light, fully portable and light weight, which is a perfect solution for long trips.

Portable Book Light

Alternatively, you can choose a mug-and-a-spoon set. This product is designed to make mixing powders easy. Now you will never loose your spoon, because it slides into the cup’s handle.

Mug-and-a-spoon Set

What else you can receive for 3 medals is self-adhesive digital clock for car. Besides telling the exact time, it will cheer you up every time you look at it due to its funny shape.

Self-Adhesive Digital Clock

A rucksack, 12 medals worth, as well as a compact torch (2 medals worth) and sunglasses (18 medals worth) are also good promo gifts to give away to drivers. These products will certainly come in handy while traveling by car.

Finally, such standard promo items offered as towels or pens are still good options as they are prominently branded with the Neste Oil logo.

Pen & Towel

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Our Russian readers may find a brief summary of this promotion below:

Neste Oil, финская топливная корпорация, вышедшая на российский рынок сравнительно недавно – в 1990 году, запустила новую промо-акцию с большим количеством подарков. За покупки в магазинах на АЗС Neste Oil, Вы будете получать медали, которые впоследствии можно будет обменять на моментальные призы. Выбор промо-подарков широк:от ручек и фонариков до рюкзака и подсветки для чтения книг. Такая масштабная промо-акция наверняка привлечет большое количество покупателей.