For the up coming Disney film, “Planes”, they are offering many custom goodies during online contests on partner’s websites. It is very common to use promotional items for movie release as well as video games launch.

Be immerse with the custom goodies

Custom Goodies: “Planes”

Lots of different custom goodies are up for grabs. For instance: stickers, yoyo, watches, t-shirt, key pouch, travel set or even a pilot jacket. Thanks to all these custom goodies, any child or adult can immerse into the main character of his or her own story. It is very important to offer items that they are directly related to the movie itself. That way, the attractiveness of the products is even bigger. This allows people to understand the plot at one sight, and also feel that they can take away something physical to remember the movie.

Some of the custom goodies offered have been created especially by Disney for “Planes”. The shape are original and creative. Even if these goodies are meant to be given for free, the brand only chose really high-end items.

Win the custom goodies from lucky draws.

For this special offer, Disney uses different websites to promote its new movie. Actually, many lucky draw events are organized on several of their partner’s websites. These partners are most of the time blogs which deal with news related to children or movie. Some are even specializing on Disney facts.

By using other websites, the brand increase the awareness of the new movie release. That way, information are spread all around internet for a lower cost. The custom goodies offered are also relatively affordable regarding the global marketing campaign set up to promote the film. Moreover, the children will definitely use these custom goodies when they go to school. That will also advertise the movie where the target audience is. For some Disney fans, these custom goodies can also become collectibles. Such is the power of the Disney brand!

Check out the following links to see what other movie promotions have been done..