Beer Promo: Silicon Bottle Caps keep your drinks fresh longer.

How about using this promotional product as an on-pack for beers or other F&B promo campaigns – this silicon bottle cap makes a great gift for beer enthusiasts.

Problem: There are times when customers can’t or do not wish to finish their beer in one sitting. However, leaving it open till later or till next day would mean that the beer loses all its carbonation – simply put, the taste turns bad.

Solution: Silicon Bottle Caps. A great way to preserve the freshness of your beer, it keeps opened bottles fizzy for up to 24 hours.

Designed with a snug fitting rim, it helps to keep the beer’s bubbles from escaping and locks out odour and dirt from the outside. This is especially useful in bars or clubs, protecting your beer from getting spiked.

Above this, the ingenious concept also doubles as a reusable beer charm to identify and differentiate opened bottles with its multi-coloured options.

Your Logo here: Printing & Deboss/Emboss

Since these bottle caps are reusable (being dishwasher safe), branding your logo (printing, deboss/emboss) on the cap allows for a long-term marketing. Using them at parties creates deep ad-impressions amongst people who spot the cool promo.

Beer Promos

Maintaining the bubbly goodness of your beer elevates the drinking experience for your customers. With a positive brand association like this, customers will naturally choose your beer over others. We reckon this would work perfectly with sodas as well…

Use the silicon bottle cap as an on pack gift to gain shelf space!

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