Brainstorming for inventors

At Mindsparkz, our team of inventors constantly brainstorms to come up with new ideas for products and how to improve on existing ideas.   Some examples Lost-Key system, 4-in-1 Cupholder, Penfan, Coolzee etc.

Brainstorming is important, using a group of creativity techniques designed to generate a large number of creative ideas for the solutions to a problem.  There are 4 basic rules to keep in mind while brainstorming:

1. Focus on quantity:

  • Enhancing divergent production
  • Aiming to facilitate problem solving through the maxim- quantity breeds quality.
  • The greater the number of ideas generated, the greater the chance of producing a radical and effective solution.

2. Withhold criticism:

  • Criticism of ideas generated should be put on hold
  • Focus on extending or adding to ideas, reserving criticism for a later stage of the process.
  • With suspension of judgments, participants will feel free to generate unusual ideas.

3. Welcome unusual ideas:

  • Get a long list of ideas, including the unusual ones.
  • Looking from new perspectives and suspending assumptions.
  • New ways of thinking might provide better solutions.

4. Combine and improve ideas:

  • Good ideas may be combined to form a single better good idea

A good thinking process is crucial for inventors to get their inspiration; hence they may adopt an unusual thinking strategy.  Don’t forget to use invention tools, games, proven methods and having one key person to give the brainstorming session some direction.