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Olympics Marketing ideas – Branded Bottle Glorifier

Happening once only 4 years, it is fair to say that the Olympics is a large affair. But what comes to mind when we think of the words “the Olympics”? The 5 Olympics rings representing the different continents? The highly craved first place on the winners podium? The prestige of the gold medal? Here is how the Glenlivet incorporates all these aspects into a branded bottle glorifier.

Branded Bottle Glorifier

As seen in the picture, the Speyside Brand has successfully incorporated all three previously mentioned aspects of the Olympics. The gold medals, the Olympic rings and the winners podium.

Here’s the Breakdown

The Olympic Rings

One ring per continent, the Olympic rings have become one of the most iconic symbols in the world. So much so that brands, Olympic sponsors and non-sponsors alike, have taken aspects of the rings and incorporated it into their marketing campaigns. The Glenlivet subtly uses it as rings on their branded bottle glorifier, but how about a not-so-subtle example.

For the 2016 Olympics, Samsung dropped a limited edition Olympic themed Galaxy S7. The phone kept its base colour of black but heavily featured a neon version of the Olympic rings on the back of the phone. The limited edition phone commanded $80 more than its not-so-limited counterpart.

Gold Medals

Gold has always exuberated a level of high prestige. From the jewellery we wear, to the gold medals we crave at competitions, gold makes us feel respected and valued. The Glenlivet incorporates this into their custom bottle glorifier through the use of warm lighting. The yellow tint closely resembles the colour gold. Associated with heat, warm lighting also tie into intensity, liveliness, and optimism. The use of wooded bottle glorifiers also adds to the warm and intensity.

Winners Podium

To ‘put someone on a pedestal’ is to place more importance on one person over others. This is why we place athletes who have won competitions on the winners podium, it signifies importance. The Glenlivet incorporates this by shaping the structure of the base of their bottle glorifier to shape that similar to that of a winners podium. This subconsciously sends a message that their product is important and valuable.

Even though only the Olympic corporate sponsors are allowed to use the official Olympics symbols in their marketing efforts, there are still many ways around it. This bespoke bottle glorifier by the Glenlivet is a prime example. In no way does this bottle glorifier explicitly mention the Olympics, but yet is still able to leverage on the Olympics’ brand recognition.

Branded Bottle Glorifier

What are bottle glorifiers great for?

It is great for alcohol and liquor bottles. Bottle glorifiers are often seen at restaurants, clubs, and bars, to capture the attention of the patrons

What are bottle glorifiers usually made of?

Some materials are wood, stainless steel, plastic, acrylic or polyresin.

How can you make a bottle glorifier more attractive?

To make it more attractive, you can include LED lights to illuminate your product and capture people's attention.

How Can ODM Assist?

Looking for Custom Bottle Glorifiers or Custom Retail Packaging for your products to boost sales? Fortunately, the ODM team can help you come up with inventive and unique product design and packaging. We have product designers who have vast experience in designing brand packaging designs for your business. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can help you grow your business through the use of effective corporate promotional products!


Interested in POS Designs and Bottle Glorifiers?

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