Categories: Promotional Products

Highly Advantageous Cardboard Floor Stand for Energy Drink

The cardboard floor stand display has these highly advantageous features:

Since cardboard floor stand displays commonly get printed on hard paperboard, they can sufficiently carry promotional items that can meet any strict environmental requirement.

These can be great in carrying advertisements because of their appearance that can get printed with many different colors.

Since it’s lightweight, you can have it stacked flat that you can repeatedly use and help minimize expenses for logistics and transportation.

It can apply to any large-scale promotional activity or exhibition in shopping malls and stores. Once you have a cardboard floor stand, it can provide an excellent publicity effect because of the innovative and freely designed shapes, colors, and patterns.

You can choose from various paper materials depending on what the carriers and customers require. Allow these to be combined with other materials like plastic, metal, and wood to form a display stand with a hybrid structure.

Cardboard display stands can be efficient and economical as they underwent improvements to make the product look great. It can also be highly convenient to have it disposed of for recycling.

There is significant economic value in the cardboard or paper shelf display stand as it functions to promote the goods and attract customers for any business. It also works on improving the company’s visibility and product image.

Here are the main functions of the cardboard floor stand display or paper shelf:

Notification for New Products

Most of the cardboard displays and paper shelves work on advertising new products. Whenever there are new products the shop is selling, use cardboard floor stand display and paper shelves in conjunction with other publicity media to promote sales at the sales locations. It can stimulate and attract the consumers’ attention and make them desire to buy it.

Attract Clients into the Shop

A significant percentage of actual purchases happen temporarily, making it clear that retail sales are directly proportional to customer traffic. Thus, what you need to do first is to have the cardboard floor stand display and paper shelf promoted so people will become attracted to get inside the shop.

Make the Customers Stop

The numerous forms, beautiful colors, novel patterns, and unique ideas that the cardboard display stands or paper shelves have can attract people’s attention, making them stop to stay and become interested in the advertised products. The effects of ingeniously designed and eye-catching cardboard displays and paper shelves are often unexpected. Besides that, you can significantly motivate the customers’ interests and encourage them to buy trial samples, live advertising, and operation on-site.

Replacement of the Salesperson

The cardboard floor stand display stand and paper shelf are known as “the most faithful salesmen” or “silent salesmen.” People frequently use these in the supermarket, a self-selected purchasing method. Whenever consumers are inside the supermarket, they usually see so many products that it may be challenging for them to choose. However, having an outstanding cardboard display stand or paper shelf around the goods can continuously and faithfully provide consumers with information. Thus, it plays a vital role in attracting consumers whenever they need to decide what to buy.

Create an Atmosphere of Sales

Through cardboard floor stand display stands and paper shelves that have vividly accurate language in advertising, great movements, beautiful shapes, unique patterns, lovely hues, it can be easy to attract people’s attention so they can buy on an impulse.

Enhancement of the Corporate Image

Like other advertisements in the sales environment, the cardboard floor stand display or the paper shelf can enhance and establish a corporate image. Because of that, it maintains a great relationship with the customer. Having a cardboard or paper shelf display stand is vital for its visual identity. That is why retail companies aim to create a unique corporate image by creating store slogans and logos with corporate image patterns and standard hues.

Promotion of Holiday Celebrations

It can be vital to match cardboard floor stand displays and paper shelves to holiday promotions. Various modern and traditional festivals wherein cardboard displays and paper shelves work to provide an enticing atmosphere. The season can get fueled whenever it is the holidays because of the cardboard display rack and paper shelf.

Promotion of the Final Purchase

Whenever there is a cardboard or paper shelf display, it has the core function to make the customers become inspired to buy it. When it comes to this aspect, it is vital to seize the client’s excitement and concerns as the basis for them to purchase is the past induction work. Whenever the process becomes complete in promotion, the result can naturally occur.

Our Key Takeaways

Cardboard floor stand displays can provide significant economic value because it promotes the goods and attracts customers for any business. Having this can also significantly improve the company’s visibility and product image.

Learning points

Use a cardboard floor stand display as it can help with the following:

  • Allows you to customize and control how you want your product displayed and merchandised in the store
  • Increase your sales by making your products more attractive to customers
  • Save space

Produce Great Products with The ODM Group

Looking for Custom Cardboard Floor Stands for your products to increase your sales? Fortunately, the ODM team can help you develop inventive and unique product design and packaging.

The ODM Group is a Promotional Products Marketing Agency founded in Hong Kong in 2003. Over the years, the company has expanded its services while being rooted firmly in Asia near our factories. Because of our diverse approach, we can be a great partner to any International brand that wants to have a team to manage its projects closely.

We have expanded our scale and services scope for more than a decade. Do you have an upcoming project where you will need our help? Contact us, and let’s design and manufacture something special together.


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Lotus has a confectionery cardboard floor stand display that aims to capture the people’s interest. It allows the brand to have a more premium feel, as the sale will only happen for a limited time. Because of that, customers are urged to buy them. Aside from that, since their biscuits are not with the other products, the brand effectively stands out.

Corrugated cardboard floor stand displays may not be as durable as wood, plastic, or metal, so they need extra care for them to last long. Having it properly touched up and maintained can make the display appear new, which is why cardboard displays are a highly economical and practical option for in-store display.


corrugated floor display, floor stand, cardboard display stand, cardboard floor display stand


Chinese: 纸板地板架

Vietnamese: Đế sàn các tông

Spanish: exhibición de soporte de piso de cartón

French: présentoir de plancher en carton

Italian: espositore da pavimento in cartone

German: Bodenständer aus Pappe



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