“Elected as the best beer in the world” Delirium starts is using an in-store display as part of the promotional campaign for its new product. The Pink Elephant is a signature look of the Belgium beer brand and also its logo. Therefore Delirium chose to use it as in-store display placing giant logo shaped balloon next to the Delirium Tremens products in stores. Hence this campaign can achieve 2 goals simultaneously – promote new products and increase brand awareness while ultimately increasing sales.

Delirium In-Store Display for their new Product Promotion

How does an in-store display work in a promo campaign?

An In-store display works best to get the products to stand out on the shelf. Just the fact that the product is more visible, can stimulate impulse shoppers to purchase it. During the introduction of a new product to the market or an existing product to a new market, it is important to encourage customers to try it. Over time these trial customers can turn into loyal fans of the brand.

Pink elephant shaped balloon is going to be extremely noticeable and memorable, due to the very bright color and unusual shape. Customers might come closer to the in-store display and have a look at the products out of simple curiosity. Therefore it is helpful to stimulate the initial interest towards the product. Unusual advertising products have more chances to be remembered by the customers, which means that it will benefit the brand even more. This particular in-store display will lead to a higher brand awareness and logo recognition.

Delirium In-Store Display for their new Product Promotion

Feel free to contact the ODM Group to learn more about in-store displays or other promotional products, which you can include in your marketing strategy. We have years of experience with sourcing promotional products for companies all over the world.

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