Justin Bieber is offering a giveaway at Sephora

Sephora is a French brand and chain of cosmetics stores founded in Paris in 1970. Sephora features a variety of beauty products from over more than 100 brands and they have a history of using giveaway as promotions. Justin Bieber’s brand is one of the more popular brand at the moment. That is of course because he is a teenager pop idol, and by creating his own fragrance label, it has gain massive popularity around the world.

Giveaway: Justin Bieber

How do you get this gift ? Simple go on to Sephora’s website and add Justin Beiber’s The Key 3.4oz Eau de Parfum Spray to your shopping basket. After that, remember to enter the promotion code JBTOTE when prompted at checkout and the free Justin Bieber Laptop Case will straight away be added to your order.

How can this giveaway increase sales?

A laptop case is a real fashion accessory. It’s a good idea to propose this item as a promotional gift. It will help with advertising and increasing the brand awareness. Moreover, this product would definitely be very visible with its attractive color and texture. This provides free advertising wherever it is carried out. This marketing gift could also be made in recyclable materials in order to help your company being involved in the preservation of the earth.

Now, a few words in French to sum up this blog for our foreign readers :

“Sephora nous propose un beau produit promotionnel pour tout achat d’un parfum Justin Bieber. En effet une pochette d’ordinateur est un produit utile et qui permet une grande visibilité de la marque sur le long terme. C’est un produit unique que tous les fans de Justin Bieber reveraient d’avoir comme accessoire fashion afin de transporter leurs ordinateurs portables.

De plus, ce produit bénéficie d’un design et d’une couleur attrayante qui ne passeront pas inaperçus !

Cette opération promotionnelle bénéficie aussi bien à Sephora qu’a la marque Justin Bieber. En effet, les fans inconditionnels de la marque JB seront ravis d’avoir en cadeau un article unique grâce à l’enseigne Sephora.”