Custom Spoon Manufacture

Lipton is famous for its numerous promotional campaigns and the creativity of the items it offers.  Their China office is continuing this trend.

In the following posts we showcase a couple of promotions by the Tea Company over the last few weeks.  Case studies and analysis help us to better understand what goes into making these promotions a success.

Take a look at the Lipton mug and Z stirrer which are part of its gift with purchase program. A few reasons why those item will probably make a successful promotional campaign:

  • Utility & fun design of spoon with Z on it.
  • Bright yellow color to attract customer as an on-pack
  • Matching design and compatibility
  • Large amount of space for logo printing – long term branding

Combined together, these definitely position Lipton ahead of the competition and nurture its existing brand visibility and goodwill. A lesson that all promotional products professionals could learn from.

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