LU Petit Ecolier Promotion France – Baby Foot & Ping Pong Table

LU, a very famous French brand of biscuit, is currently running a really cool promotion on one of their main products called Petit écolier (small school kid). They are offering their customers a chance to win table football games and ping-pong sets (tables and rackets).

LU Petit Ecolier Promotion – Baby Foot

How to get one of those gifts ? Simply go on the website and just register yourself. The winners of this game will be chosen by drawing lots, so take a chance to win one of the 2 table-footballgames or one of the 150 ping-pong sets.

LU Petit Ecolier Promotion – Baby Foot Ping Pong Table

This promotion will surely enhance the brand image of LU and make people love their products! Besides, to register on the website, people have to give a lot of personal details. Those will help LU to know their customers’ profile better and they will be able to reuse it for their next marketing campaigns !

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Now a few words in French for our foreign readers :

A travers cette promotion LU propose donc à ses clients de tenter de gagner un des baby-foot ou un des sets de Ping-pong mis en jeu en se rendant sur le site web indiqué plus haut.

Les internautes peuvent également jouer à des jeux sur ce site web, ce qui est très bon pour l’image de LU. En effet, en passant du temps à jouer sur le site, les consommateurs passent du bon temps avec la marque LU !