Promotional Products

Magnetic POS Display: Is Your Marketing Deaf or Daring?

A levitating POS Display is not something commonly found in retail outlets. These displays seem right out of a science fiction movie set in a future with advanced technology. For that exact reason, it is the perfect method to effectively market your product and set your brand ahead of your competitors. This magnetic POS display was seen at an outlet of Devialet, a company that produces high-end speakers and amplifiers. The speaker is displayed on a magnetic platform, making it levitate and rotate on its spot.


This magnetic POS display would be an excellent and daring way to effectively market your product. With every other brand displaying its products in generic methods, your brand and product would shine above the rest of your competitors!

Why You Should Avoid Deaf Marketing:

With almost every product in retail stores displayed on boring and generic shelves or racks, they soon start to blend into each other. Customers who view these products would not remember a particular brand or product that they have browsed through. This is definitely bad news for your brand as it shows that your marketing is not effective. Your customers are not satisfied with what they see at your store. This can be classified as deaf marketing, as you are not listening to and hearing what your customers want to see. Many brands, unfortunately, fall into this category when they avoid using more daring and innovative methods to market their brand.

Why You Should Use Daring Marketing:

  • Increased Brand Value: The levitating POS display attaches a futuristic and high-tech feel to your product, which not only leads to customers associating your product with a high value but also associating your brand itself with a high value. As a brand, you definitely want your customers and competitors to think highly of your products and brand.
  • Brand Recognition: This method of displaying products is sure to immediately catch the attention of customers and passersby. Even people who are not necessarily looking for the product on display would inevitably stop to admire the levitating display. This is an excellent way of making people remember your brand. The experience of viewing this innovative marketing method is sure to remain retained in their memories.


  • Simple Mechanism: While the magnetic POS display might seem like an extremely complicated and expensive device, the mechanism behind these displays is actually very simple. You simply need to attach magnets to both the product and the display. The magnetic field from the display repels the magnets attached to the product, leading to the product floating in position. This Heineken bottle had two magnets attached to the top and bottom of it.
  • Highly Customisable: This custom POS display can be used to display an endless array of products. Smartphones, headphones, speakers, shoes, water bottles, deodorants, and beer bottles have been displayed with these displays.
  • Customer Convenience: The rotation of the speakers allows customers to conveniently view the product from all angles without having to physically pick it up. This adds another selling point to your brand in the eyes of customers.

Here’s how we can help you with Marketing:

Have you decided on using a magnetic POS display to rise above your competitors? Luckily for you, we at ODM can help you design a magnetic POS display for your brand and product. We have a dedicated and experienced team of product designers who constantly design new and innovative custom promotional products that set you apart from your competitors. Feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can design the perfect promotional product for you!

Interested in POS displays? Check these out…

Another company that effectively uses magnetic POS displays – is Nike. The levitation of the Air Jordans on display evokes a sense of weightlessness in the viewer. This is an extremely effective way to convey the message to Nike’s target audience that these shoes are very light and easy to run or play sports in. This display is sure to make someone who has never touched a ball in their lives want to purchase these shoes!

Check out these plush toys by ODM! These displays are especially effective in environments with a high concentration of other brands such as in trade show marketing. It shows potential customers what sets your brand apart from your competitors. Who wouldn’t stop to have a look at these cuddly levitating creatures?

Another effective Custom POS Display used by Hershey’s. While this does not evoke a sense of futurism and high-tech advertising, it certainly evokes a sense of hunger! This giant Hershey’s chocolate bar is sure to cause customers to pause and gaze longingly at it. It will probably convince them to pick up a few bars of Hershey’s chocolate as well.