Custom packaging

Trendy Plastic Packaging Design – Spice Up Your Marketing

In this blog, we will examine Merci‘s effective plastic packaging design. The packaging successfully highlights the promotion and increases brand exposure.

gift with purchase is a commonly used marketing strategy in retail shops. Marketers use the free gift to capture customers’ interest. Merci not only focuses on the freebie’s quality but also use the packaging to target more customers.

Plastic Packaging Design by Merci

In order to get the freebie, a gift with purchase encourages customers to buy the product. This is why it is valuable to use customized freebie packaging. Not to mention, your business will gain lots of advertising benefits from it. Here’s why.


What do we like about Merci’s plastic packaging design?

Plastic Packaging Design by Merci

  • Transparent – Customers want to see what they’re getting. Merci’s gift item has attractive packaging.  The transparent packaging allows customers to take a peek at the product. Customers will be more inclined to make a purchase if they feel that they understand what they’re getting.
  • Waterproof – Plastic packaging is waterproof. This makes it a more durable option than paper or cardboard. The following blog will give you more ideas on custom packaging materials
  • Label – The label communicates key information to customers. “Free Gift” and “Value Pack” let customers know about the promotion. In addition, the red label highlights the keywords and is attention-grabbing. If you are interested in unique label design, this blog “How to make Luminous Labels for Wine Bottles” is worth checking out.
  • The right size of packaging – The packaging is simple and a suitable size. It’s neat and packs perfectly on the shelf.


What Makes This Plastic Packaging Design Stand Out?

Plastic Packaging Design by Merci

  • Increase sales – The word “Free” attracts crowds and drives sales. Therefore, freebies help to sell the product and clear stock faster.
  • Reused– Customers will want to reuse the high-quality transparent bag in the future. This is great for travelling and can also be used as GWP toiletry bag or storage bag.
  • Lower production cost – Compared to other packaging options, Merci’s freebie packaging is relatively cheaper in terms of production cost. Being lightweight, it also reduces the delivery cost.

With transparent packaging, customers are able to make an informed purchase. This builds awareness and is a great way to make your customers fully understand your product.

ODM are experts at devising and developing innovative packaging design. In addition, our team can help you to create your own on-pack promotion, POS display, GWP and so on. Feel free to contact us anytime!


Take a look at these blogs on chocolate packaging:

People are more likely to buy products with appealing packaging. Theo & Philo stand out by packing their product as a present.


Similar to Merci, Guylian uses a clear sleeve to promote their products.


Plush toys attract children’s attention and influence their parents’ buying decision.

Here are some more blogs that explain gift with purchase promotional ideas:

Nutella offered this speaker to allow people to enjoy music while savoring their classic hazelnut spread.

Oreo’s promotion places their product front and centre.

Quaker offered free oat canisters as a gift with purchase promotions campaign. Customers can easily keep their oats in the canister provided. This gift provides convenience and meets customers’ needs.

Offering a gift which is practical means that it will be used frequently, increasing sales.