This coming summer the World Cup is being held in Brazil and with millions of people watching the games it is a great opportunity to promote your brand during this festive time. A great Promotional Gift for the upcoming World Cup games would be a mini soccer table. Here you can bring the World Cup experience to your own living room.

A great Promotional Gift to take with you on your travels

Soccer World Cup Promotional Gift– Mini Soccer Table

The mini soccer table is a great toy for people who want to spend a few minutes playing a smaller version of their favorite game during half-time.  In addition, the size of the mini soccer table makes it also convenient to bring it with you during your travels on these festive days.


A great customizable Promotional Gift

Soccer World Cup Promotional Gift– Mini Soccer Table

This mini soccer table game is made from an eco-friendly material that can bring your own Promotional Gift to a higher end standard.

It is possible to customize the mini soccer table layout to your own preferences. Wouldn’t it be impressive to have your own brand logo on this mini soccer table? Supporting your national team during the games by not only making it related to your company but additionally combining it with the colors of your home country.

By having this Promotional Gift it presents a great image that your company is supporting the same team they are cheering for. 


Consider have a look at these links for more Promotional Gifts related to the world soccer games.


If you are interested in one of our promotions do not hesitate to contact us.