Custom Shipping Containers as Transport Marketing for Freight Industry

Competition in the freight industry is becoming more intense. In order to stand out from your competitors, it would be good to offer promotional gifts. Transport Marketing could help boost brand awareness as well as sales for your freight company! You might want to consider these customized shipping containers for unique marketing gifts.

Shipping Container Stress Balls

Transport Marketing: Shipping Container Stress Ball

Stress balls can be customized into any shapes and sizes based on your preference. ODM feels that offering a shipping container shaped stress balls as transport marketing, could boost recognition. When people receive these customized stress balls, they would immediately think of freight. And when they notice the company name branded on it, they would remember you.

These stress balls not only act as a marketing gift, but also a stress-reliever! They are small and light, which makes it easily portable. It can be carried around anytime, any day.

Shipping Container USB

Transport Marketing: Shipping Container USB

Thinking of more high-end gifts to offer your clients? Why not consider using this customized shipping container USB! A flash drive is definitely one of the best giveaway to offer though it may be common. However, your freight company could stand out by customizing these USBs.

USBs are getting more popular with people as technology increases. People would need to use this gadget at work, at home or even in school! Hence, when more people use your shipping container USBs, brand awareness is increased.

Shipping Container Recyclable Bag

Transport Marketing: Shipping Container Recyclable Bag

As people become more environmentally conscious nowadays, offering an eco-friendly product would be able to appeal to them better. People often carry recyclable bags for grocery shopping, other people would be able to notice the logo branded on it. These bags not only act as marketing gifts to satisfy your clients, but can also be a free walking advertisement for your company!

Shipping Containers Post-Its

Transport Marketing: Shipping Container Post It

Post-its are very common items that can be found on almost everyone’s desk. We use post-its for reminders or even to write down small notes for others. When the other party receives this small slip of post-it paper, they would be able to notice the brand of the freight company. This boosts brand recall and even brand loyalty!

A useful yet practical customized post-it would definitely be able to attract much attention. Thus, boosting the exposure of your freight company.

Transport Marketing with Branding

Branding is crucial in increasing brand awareness for your company. A simple branding could boost sales greatly. But with the product designed into the shape of your company’s product, clients would definitely be able to remember your company’s industry.

A large surface area allows you to brand your logo to boost brand awareness. Colours of the stress balls can be changed according to the theme of your company! Hurry get started with your very own branded transport marketing to boost brand awareness.

You may want to check out some other suitable transport marketing gift ideas for the freight industry below: