B&F Tuna has been using an original Buddha advertising display in Hong Kong International Airport. This display is made from B&F tuna cans stacked to resemble Buddha. With it’s fusion of Eastern and Western Culture, B&F airport is showing an original advertising display which is sure to catch people’s attention and lead to a greater brand awareness.

B&F Tuna’s Buddha Advertising Display

Why choose an Original Advertising Display?

Well firstly, as can be seen above, an original advertising display is eye catching and will lead to whatever product is being advertised to much more likely to be remembered and a higher chance for brand recollection later. In the time of Twitter and Facebook, the bigger the better. With an original and unique advertising display, you have a much greater opportunity for your brand and product to go viral and the advertising display to be shared with a much larger audience than if you had put less effort in.

Furthermore, with increased brand recollection will lead to larger brand awareness and recognition when potential customers are purchasing your product. People are attracted to strong brands, which is why these brands usually have the best marketing campaigns. Finally, in the case of B&F Tuna, they are competing in a highly competitive industry, customers are attracted to their brand for one product and as such they need to be focused in their customer retention.

ODM have experience in creating displays for businesses, successfully impacting their business. The effect of an advertising display is important for those big and small.

You can learn more about the effect of In Store displays and POS Displays at our blog, where you can also find similar scenarios: