POS Displays

Custom Display Stand: What Brands Can Learn From Diesel’s Campaign

Looking for a low-cost but eye-catching advertising display for your product? Then why don’t you check out Diesel’s BAD fragrance custom display stand for inspiration?

Diesel fragrance bottle is a black textured non-glossy container.  It gives off a “masculine vibe” which appeals to their target demographic. But what made the product more interesting is its custom advertising display.

Custom Display Stand: What Brands can Learn From Diesel’s Campaign

The shelf display is made from acrylic and is just the perfect size for the fragrance bottle. It also featured a reduced version of their advert on the left side. The right side is slightly elevated with leather strap and wooden backboard.

The color complemented the product packaging and the product itself, thereby breaking the monotony of the shelf display. It was a nice deviation from the glossy shelf POS display we usually see in cosmetics and beauty sections of the department store. If you’re thinking of giving your in-store display a boost, below are reasons for using a custom display stand for your own brand campaign.

Why Use Custom Display Stand?

Custom Display Stand: What Brands can Learn From Diesel’s Campaign

  • To Stand Out: People love to see beautiful visuals that’s why marketers heavily invest in billboard ads, elaborate POS display units, and cute promotional products. In essence, a custom display stand with unique and appealing visuals can help your brand make a great impression on customers.
  • Visual Impact: This is a simple yet effective way to differentiate your brand from competitors. When done right, it can improve your display’s visual impact and ultimately attract more shoppers. This is especially helpful if your product is placed along the boring standard shelves of the department store.
  • Highly Customizable: Shelf displays and plinths can be made big or small, elaborate or simple, depending on your branding needs and marketing budget. Materials can also vary from wood, acrylic, glass, or metal.

Contact Us

We have marketing professionals who can help create high quality custom advertising displays and POS display units. You can also rely on us for high quality product designs and brand packaging design. Contact ODM to know more about our services. Or check out the sample blogs below for more marketing inspiration.

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