Cute advertising products are a great incentive for customers to buy and collect items from a certain brand. At this bakery in Zhuhai, Japanese brand San-x and their famous character Rilakkuma have produced a set of three plates that have been put on the counter top display. These plates are a fun way to advertise your product, and with Rilakkuma being a character recognised world wide, this promotional cute advertising product is sure to be popular.

Cute Advertising Products from San-X’s Rilakkuma

The plates come in three different designs showing the character Rilakkuma, and his famous friends Korilakkuma and Kiiroitori. The plates themselves are advertised as ‘Big Face Plates’  and are currently being advertised with the purchase of products within this Chinese bakery.

Why are these cute Rilakkuma advertising products good for sales?

  • Brand Awareness. These plates are being promoted by a brand that has worldwide recognition. And with these plates having a great point of display on the counter top, customers will spot your cute advertising product, and will see your brand at time of purchasing in the bakery, or even when walking past.
  • Design. The design of these plates are cute and have a lot of appeal. When advertising your own product it is important to design a product that you think customers will want to buy as they will more likely be interested in looking and therefore more likely to buy your product.
  • Perceived Value.  When a consumer is already familiar with a brand they are more likely to buy your product. Therefore if a company promotes their own products with another known brand, the consumer in the future will have a positive view. In the future are more likely to continue coming to buy your product as they have a good perceived value from before.

Here at the ODM Group we specialise in helping businesses to design promotional products, and with creative product designers ready with promo gift ideas feel free to contact us.

If you were interested in reading about these Rilakkuma cute advertising products and would like to find out more information, feel free to check out the blogs below: