On-pack Promotional Product – Custom Diamond Ring Shots Container

Looking for a cool on-pack promo product? Then look at this diamond ring shots container! An eye catching promotional product that you can use as on-pack promotion or even for any events that promotes awareness to your brand. It can be worn as a jewellery or just for fun.

Diamond Ring Shots Container

Now, how does this work? It’s simple. All you need to do is to flip open the latch on top of the diamond and fill it up! This diamond ring shots container is great for drinking games or events and parties. It is a great promotional product for spirits company as well! What more, the ring band is expandable so it can fit any fingers.

Why Custom Ring Shots can boost your  promotions

1. Fun

Your promotional items or giveaways don’t always have to be business. It proves as a great promotional tool kit to show customers the fun side of your company. This custom ring shots can make your brand stand out in the drinks industry by being an item that is a little outside of the box.

Fun and unique products leave positive lasting impressions. Make your customers say, “Wow” with the custom ring shots. Plus, it shows that your team is passionate about what they do.

2. Usefulness

While it may not be the most conventional product, many drinks are taken in the form of shots. In events or promotions these custom ring shots as branded event merchandise will be a great way to spice things up. As well as promote awareness for your brand. Get creative in ways that you can stand out from the usual plain-jane shot glasses. With custom ring shots, your brand is sure to be the talk of the event!

4. Loyalty

Brand loyalty is something all business strive to attain from their consumers. And, drinks promotional products such as a custom ring shots has the power to drive brand exposure.

How do consumers feel when they receive promotional products? Well, according to statistics from consumers. 71% are happy, 52% are interested, 46% are thankful, 43% are feel appreciated. Because promotional products resonate so positively with a large majority of consumers, they are extremely effective in boosting brand loyalty.

How can ODM Help?

When it comes to promotional products for the drinks industry, you can count on ODM for excellent on-pack promotions to high-quality POS displays. Here at ODM we work closely with our team of experienced designers to provide you with a pleasant journey and an exceptional product. Do not hesitate to contact our team! – We’d love to hear from you.

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