Everyone’s favourite animated Panda, Po, has made it onto the product design of this Kung Fu Panda promotion by leading chocolate spread brand, Nutella! Hooray!

Kung Fu Panda 3, produced by DreamWorks Animation and Oriental DreamWorks has been popular ever since it’s release in cinemas earlier this year. This makes its marketing potential huge, and Nutella have done just that by creating a mouth-watering point of sales display currently being promoted in Singapore supermarkets.

Get Collecting with this Kung Fu Panda Promotion by Nutella

This current Kung Fu Panda promotion offers four different kinds of collectible glasses, each designed with Po himself, and the main characters in the new film. Furthermore, customers love promotions that involve collectible items, especially from a brand with such high awareness like Nutella, and with a promotion from a popular animation film Kung Fu Panda, customers (children especially) will find this offer hard to resist!

Get Collecting with this Kung Fu Panda Promotion by Nutella

Nutella glasses are already a useful item of glassware to keep at home or as spare outside of home. Once the nutella has been finished, the glass can be washed and re-used, making this collectible gift fun and practical with the film images as an added feature.

What’s also great about this promotion is that it features two already well loved brands promoting together, making this great for brand exposure.

Get Collecting with this Kung Fu Panda Promotion by Nutella.

Advertising in supermarkets can be tough when there are tonnes of competitive brands out there, however Nutella for their Kung Fu Panda promotion have set their name in this stand up cardboard POS display at the end of the aisle. This is sure to grab the attention of all customers walking past, and children won’t want to keep their hands off it.

Why is this Kung Fu Panda promotion a great way to market your brand?

  • Design. Let’s be fair, Kung Fu Panda and Nutella are a match made in heaven. So with the added value of the collectible glasses, designed with the films characters, you’ll want to buy them all.
  • Varied Product Portfolio. When roaming the shelves to buy Nutella, the heavier and smaller glass jar may not be a customers preferred choice to purchase. Therefore, by using this less product in their Kung Fu Panda promotion the sales and preference for this product will become more favourable.
  • Increase brand value. With a Kung Fu Panda promotion people will value your brand more because of how popular and fun the it is. And with it being a practical gift, people are more likely to retain this product in the future. If your brand were to also promote another popular film in the future, people will also be more likely to re-purchase.

If you found this blog interesting and would also like to create your own fun promotional item and display, please feel free to contact the ODM Group to further brainstorm your ideas and turn them into great products.
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