On Premise Display by C’est Bon Attracts Consumers

C’est Bon, a major Chinese drinks company have created a successful on premise display that assist in attracting consumers to the product. Many big brands actively use on premise displays and put huge investment in their marketing efforts, however few successfully create ones which stands out enough to gain the desired effects.


On Premise Display by C’est Bon Attracts Consumers

This On Premise display in China creatively reflects the freshness and clean taste of their branded water . The size and prominence of the display particular makes it successful as anyone walking past will certainly will notice it, which one the biggest challenges in creating an on premise display .

Furthermore the in-store positioning is also key, as you can C’est Bon display right is by the entrance to the store. Although this may incur higher costs, being in a favourable position like this will mean consumers will spot this brand over competitors, giving them a competitive advantage. This is also likely to increase impulse buying as consumers will subconsciously see the brand and think about purchasing it.

On Premise Display by C’est Bon Attracts Consumers

Benefits of Implementing On Premise Display

The benefits of  beyond the functionality iof storing and shelving the product  into assisting with company performance.

  • Improving Image – On premise display can help to improve image, this comes down to the design of the display. If the design is attractive, like this example and fits with the underlying aspects of the company then consumers image of this will be positively reinforced/changed.


  • Brand Awareness – As mentioned above, the fundamental advantage of branded items is increased awareness. As a branded cart will be seen directly by consumers almost all the time will mean the brand and the products will be effectively promoted on a large scale.


  • Perceived Value – By adding a good quality branded print to the cart will increase the value of the product and ultimately the brand, giving a competitive edge over major competitors. This will allow company to potentially inflict a higher price for their products.


  • Brand Recognition – Equally as important as awareness is brand recognition. The more you see the cart the more times you recognise and think of the brand, which in long run will make consumers remember and potentially favour your brand over competitors.


Ultimately, these benefits will help make a company who uses this strategy prosper by and added sales and overall profit in the long run.

Here at ODM we specialise in promotional gifts with purchase. If you find this article useful, be sure to view our ODM blog and you will find more useful information on marketing strategy and our company.

In addition, if you’re interested in on premise display then please visit our in-store display page with tailored advice on this general topic.