Promotional Products

Reusable Bag Design: Practical, Stylish and Eco-Friendly

Check out this awesome reusable bag design! We spotted these particular fun ones at the checkout of a supermarket. This cotton bag features a doughnut on it with the words’ life is sweet’. The one next to it, slightly larger and made of plastic material, features carrots on it. It is suggestive that your cupboard items go into the doughnut bag and your fresh fruit and vegetables into the other.

Reusable Bag Design Practical, Stylish and Eco-Friendly


First of all, we think that these are fantastic products: they are user friendly, practical, stylish and eco-friendly. Also, at just £1.20 (under 20 RMB) for the cotton doughnut bag and 79p (under 10RMB) for the plastic vegetable bag they are also a bargain! This affordable pricing is great to incentivise shoppers. Many stores have now introduced a price for a disposable plastic bag, so it becomes even more appealing to spend a bit more to have an eco-friendly bag that you can re-use time and time again. 


Furthermore, reusable bags are a great opportunity for Companies to produce Custom Promotional Giveaways. There is a huge marketing space on these bags to imprint a company design. They also make a great complimentary gift with purchase, as seen with this Movie Promo Bag by Despicable Me!


Reusable Bag Design Practical, Stylish and Eco-Friendly

Here are some of the many benefits of Promotional Reusable Bags:



Why we like this Reusable Bag Design?

  • Practicality: The free item actually compliments the consumer good. Indeed, the bag will be extremely useful for the customer for carrying their groceries home. It is very lightweight making it easier to stick in your pocket / handbag for the road.


  • Product Placement: The bags are placed in a great location in the store – the checkout – where people will grab one to load their shopping in.


  • High quality: Whether it is a cotton bag you are hoping to put your dry goods in or a plastic one to put fresh fruit and vegetables, this product is high quality. You can easily wash the cotton bag if it gets dirty. Similarly, you can wipe down the plastic bag. Both add to the usability of the bag and increase the product longevity.


  • Promotional Opportunity: Furthermore shopping bags are great promotional items as they have a big area to print brand name and logos on. Indeed, these would make for great personalized promotional products. They can be customized too, fitting to your exact company desire.  Plus, reusable shopping bags have various uses at home, thereby ensuring longer lasting engagement with customers.


  • Environmentally Friendly: Ditch those disposable plastic bags! Having a company that is known for being eco-friendly leads to a finer brand appeal and as a result increases customer loyalty whilst also attracting new customers.


Reusable Bag Design Practical, Stylish and Eco-Friendly


Have these resuable bag designs inspired you? Would they be useful for your business? If so we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with a member of the ODM team today for your design and production needs taken care of!


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