Spelenok, a popular baby food brand in Russia, is offering some promotional gifts at the moment in lots of Russian cities.

The promotional packs of Spelenok juices come with bonus points which can be later exchanged to promotional items. For example, for 30 bonus points you will get a feeding cup.

Promotional Feeding Cup

Parents will surely be interested in this promotional item, since the cup is specially designed for baby’s easier drinking. Even if the cup is toppled by chance, liquid will not spill. It is also really easy to wash.

Another promotional gift Spelenok gives away is a digital photo frame. It has become a universal adornment in many houses and offices for the past few years. Parents will especially be tempted to purchase Spelenok’s products to redeem this great promotional item, since they tend to make lots of pictures of their children. With this photo frame, they will be able to enjoy the recently made photos on a bright monitor.

Promotional Digital Photo Frame

Both items are branded which will increase the brand recognition and brand awareness.

Interested in kids-related promotions? Then don’t hesitate to check out the following posts:

A few words in Russian for our Russian readers:

Спеленок, бренд детского питания, часто проводит различные промо-акции. В данном посте мы рассмотрели два кейса: в первом случае Спеленок предлагал поильники – незаменимая вещь для родителей, во втором случае – фоторамки. Оба продукта, вне всяких сомнений, заинтересуют всех мам и пап.