Unique packaging for collector edition of Risen 2

Jackpot! After searching high and low for a truly unique packaging and exciting case for the collector edition game presentations, we found a real trophy piece. A barrel-shaped box that contains all the game merchandise gifts to Risen 2. From publishers Deep Silver this game in PC format launched this great Collector’s edition in 2012.

Unique Packaging on Risen 2: Collector’s Edition

Inspection of the Risen 2 set and why the unique packaging is a hit.

Risen 2: Collector Edition Figurine

The wonderful wooden barrel works great as packaging as it fits the theme of the game: pirates! The barrel comes emblazoned with the Risen 2 logo on all surface area and comes on wooden support legs that prop the barrel so it sits comfortably on a table or mantelpiece and would be a fitting center piece for the most decadent of rooms.

In addition to the amazing packaging, Risen 2 also packs punches with the included merchandise. On exploration of the barrel one finds a small door that is cleverly concealed. This door is the access point to all the Risen 2 gifts. Inside can be found 3 stickers, 20 high quality art cards, a pirate flag, a medal and double-sided poster. One side depicts artwork and the other is a complete pirate world map. The cream on top is the Figurine,  the 17 cm rubber statue of Jaffar!

Collector editions are limited in number, high in monitory and perceived value so buyers will want to keep the items safe in a secure and relevant way. That’s a great starting point to the importance of case packaging. Even if the contents are taken out and dispersed, the case packaging offers alternative storage or can just even be for decorative show.

The selling point is as much about the presentation as it is the contents of the package. Here are other special collector editions that have Unique and interesting packaging