POS Displays

How Video Marketing Can Boost Trade Show Performance

Great presentation is key to a successful trade show exhibit.  One of the best ways to keep your audience interested is through video marketing. Our marketing team attended Cosmoprof Asia, a convention of merchants and key players in the cosmetic supply chain industry.  One of the booths that truly stand out, in our opinion, is the one with two giant pills with computer screen mounted on the wall.

How Video Marketing Can Boost Trade Show Performance

Having a video presentation ready can help busy exhibitors in a number of ways. If you are preparing for a trade show, here are ways video marketing can enhance your exhibit.

Why Video Marketing Is a Great Promotional Strategy

  • Retains Audience Interest: Audio visual presentations can be a great way to capture the interest of your audience. Visual aids can show the function and benefits of a product effectively.
  • Maximizes Brand Impact: It is more than just a decorative piece as it can help you reach out to hundreds of people at once. Furthermore, not everyone is willing to spend time reading brochures and leaflets in a trade fair when there are lots of interesting booths to visit. Using visual aids can help spark their interest in an entertaining way.
  • Time-Saving: Exhibitors can play the video for hours as they attend to other aspects of their exhibit. Merchandisers are able to entertain inquiries from interested clients while the AV presentation gives other visitors an overview of the product.
  • Creates Brand Awareness: In our example, we can see that there are two giant capsules on the wall. They resemble their actual anti-aging pills being showcased in their POS display. The video display makes the product look more appealing and interesting to visitors.

If you are thinking of integrating video marketing into your exhibit, it is important to keep the video short and informative to maintain your viewers’ interest. You can also include your website or official social media sites to boost your online presence.

Do you need help with promotional products and marketing devices? Here, at ODM we can assist in creating POS display units, replica, custom giveaway, and marketing gifts. Get in touch with us!

More Ideas for You:

This video POS display and live demonstration was one of the exhibits that stood out during Cosmoprof Asia.

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