Some promotional gifts are especially attractive because there is no similar product in the market. Customers have a strong desire for these items because they can only get it through a particular promotional campaign. This shows how important it is to have a unique item as your promotional gifts.

Take a look at these adorable school bus tin, spotted in Carrefour in Indonesia.

Oreo School Bus Tin

Introduced in 1912, Oreo has become an internationally recognized brand under Nabisco. Oreo is recognizable by its white and blue colour logo. Using a bright yellow as background has made these tins very eye-catching. Furthermore, the adorable picture has made it even more irresistible, especially to children – Oreo’s target market. Knowing that children will keep and use them, Oreo decided to brand the tins. This will surely help Oreo to heighten its brand recall in the long run.

Follow these links for more packaging ideas!

Just a few words for our Indonesian readers:

Bagaimanakah kita bisa menarik pembeli untuk produk kita? Sebetulnya mudah saja. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan kemasan yang menarik. Oreo menggunakan kaleng biskuit berbentuk bus sekolah yang sangat menarik perhatian anak-anak, yang adalah target pasar Oreo. Dengan kombinasi warna yang menarik dan gambar yang lucu, Oreo bisa meningkatkan penjualan melalui rancangan promosi ini.