Ambush Marketing by Starbucks, Russia

Starbucks decided to blow away its competitors with a new promotional campaign in Russia. Branded cup-sleeves are given to customers of rival cafe chains to “hide their shame”. By doing so, Starbucks tries to thrust the idea that they have the best coffee.

Giving Away Starbucks Cups-sleeves

These branded cup-sleeves surely serve as a great promotional item for free advertising…

Promotional Starbucks Cups-Sleeves

The cheeky part of this promotion is that special giveaway points are stationed right next to rival cafes… Check out some other awesome promotions:

A couple of words for our Russian readers:

Рассмотренный кейс – пример прямого удара по конкурентам при ограниченном бюджете. Starbucks попытался внушить идею, что они – лучшие. Так просто и так эффективно! ODM поможет Вам на всех этапах:планирование, производство и поставка.