On-pack promotions

Colgate Brushed Away the Competition with this Custom Printed Bowl

It seems like brands are constantly churning out on-pack promos to attract customers. Here’s how Colgate stayed ahead of the curve with this meaningful custom printed bowl promo. This bowl on-pack promo not only focuses on attracting customers but also subtly focuses on customer retention. Here’s why

Custom Printed Bowl

The Customisability of Custom Printed Bowl

Gift with purchase bowls are highly customisable, and each brand can input their own style or colour to the bowls to make them unique. There are little restrictions as to how you can create your bowl. This can be seen by the use of different colours for each bowl on-pack promo as shown below. Bowls can come in all different shapes and patterns. Your brand will also be able to plaster your message at different locations, e.g. the side of the bowl, or the interior bottom of the bowl, Thus allowing you to better showcase your brand to potential customers.

The ability to customise your Bowl on-pack promo also allows you to make it in different shapes and sizes. This includes specific shapes such as your brand’s logo shape or even glass bottles. Quirky designs and oddball shapes not only appeal to customers but will also entice customers to use your branded USB cable over similar cables. As such you will benefit from the brand exposure.

Custom Printed Bowl

However, one important factor would be to get the relevant certificates that certify the bowl suitable for food consumption. Failure to do so will not only make this promo an epic fail but will also dampen your brand’s reputation. Worried about quality control? ODM has got you covered!

Custom Retention

Most of us have meals three times a day, giving clients a free bowl allows you to constantly be in front of your client. As clients are constantly reminded over which brand they previously bought from, they will be more inclined to buy from the same brand again. This constant exposure not only increases customer retention but also helps with brand exposure when used with someone how has not used the brand before.

Interestingly, why would a hygiene company give away bowls as a promotional product? Fishy isn’t it? Our team has uncovered a slightly hidden meaning to this on-pack promo. Having a gift with purchase will promote customers to use the bowl for meals when customers eat, they dirty their teeth and will have to brush their teeth. This generates the demand for customers to return to buy dental hygiene products.

Custom Printed Bowl

How Can ODM Help?

Looking for food promotional items or on pack premiums for your products to boost sales? Fortunately, the ODM team can help you come up with inventive and unique product and brand packaging design. We have product designers who have vast experience in designing marketing gifts for your business.

Not sure what you’re looking for? We also provide product brainstorming sessions and quality control services. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can help you grow your business through the use of effective promotional products!


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