5 Best Mobile Food Cart Designs for Your Business

In 2014, food trucks and carts were becoming increasingly popular, and a new generation of street-food lovers was rising. According to a study by IBISWorld, the street food business is a $1 billion industry that has grown by 8.4% since 2007.

But this information dates back to a decade ago. After ten years, food truck and cart businesses have blown up. That said, competition obviously increased. Aside from the food businesses offer, the truck or food cart design indeed matters.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll share the latest mobile food cart designs, showcasing the latest trends, innovative ideas, and best practices to help you create a standout mobile food cart for your culinary venture. So, let’s dive in!

Food carts are mobile kitchens set up on the street to facilitate the sale of street food to pedestrians. These food carts can be found in huge cities globally and sell various foods. These carts differ from the trucks as they do not travel under their power and must be towed by another vehicle. The carts are fairly easy to maintain and is an extremely cost effective way of doing business.

Different Types of Mobile Food Carts

When it comes to mobile food cart designs, there is a wide array of options to choose from. Each type offers advantages and limitations, catering to culinary concepts and business needs.

Understanding the various types can help you make an informed decision when selecting the perfect mobile food cart design for your business. Here are some of the most popular types of mobile food carts:

1. Food Trucks

Food trucks are essentially mobile kitchens on wheels.

These larger vehicles typically offer more space for cooking, storage, and serving, making them suitable for businesses with a wide selection of menu items or those that require extensive prep work.

Food trucks often come equipped with commercial-grade kitchen equipment and can handle high volumes of orders.

They are known for their flexibility and ability to park in different locations to cater to various customers.

2. Custom-built Carts

Custom-built mobile food carts are designed to meet specific business requirements and culinary concepts.

These carts are tailored to the operator’s preferences, incorporating branding elements, specialized equipment, and custom layouts.

They offer the advantage of complete customization, allowing food entrepreneurs to create a unique and memorable mobile food cart that aligns with their vision.

3. Bicycle Carts

Bicycle carts combine mobility and sustainability. These carts are attached to bicycles, allowing vendors to navigate crowds or narrow streets easily. Bicycle carts serve smaller food items or beverages, such as coffee, pastries, or ice cream.

They offer a unique and eco-friendly approach to mobile food vending while catering to health-conscious and environmentally aware customers.

4. Push Carts

Push carts, also known as vendor carts or hot dog carts, are operated by an operator manually pushing smaller mobile food carts. These carts are common in street food markets and busy urban areas.

Push carts usually have limited cooking facilities but are ideal for businesses focusing on specific food items, such as hot dogs, ice cream, or coffee. They are compact and easy to manoeuvre, making them a popular choice for new entrepreneurs or those with limited startup capital.

5. Trailer Carts

Trailer carts are compact and versatile mobile food carts that can be hitched to a vehicle for transportation. They are ideal for businesses requiring mobility but with limited space for on-site operations.

Trailer carts can be customized and designed to accommodate specific cooking equipment, storage solutions, and serving areas. These carts offer convenience as they can be detached from the hitched vehicle and set up at various locations.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mobile Food Cart Design

Selecting the right mobile food cart design is a critical decision that can greatly impact the success of your food business. Consider the following factors to ensure you choose a design that aligns with your business goals and operational requirements:

1. Location

The location where you plan to operate your mobile food cart is crucial. Consider whether you will be primarily stationed in a fixed spot, participating in events or festivals, or operating in various locations throughout the day.

Different designs may be better suited for specific locations, such as food trucks for stationary locations or push carts for mobile street vending.

2. Menu and Cuisine

The type of menu and cuisine you offer will influence your mobile food cart design. Consider the equipment and storage space required to efficiently prepare and serve your menu items. If you offer specialized dishes requiring specific cooking equipment, ensure the cart design accommodates those needs.

3. Space and Layout

Assess the space needed for your operations, including cooking, storage, and serving areas. Ensure the cart design provides enough workspace and storage capacity to meet your daily requirements. Consider the layout and organization of the cart to optimize workflow and efficiency during peak hours.

4. Permits and Regulations

Research the permits and regulations specific to your location and the type of mobile food cart design you plan to use. Different areas may have restrictions on cart size, equipment, permits, and other operational requirements. Ensure your chosen design complies with these regulations to avoid any legal issues.

5. Brand Image and Aesthetics

Your mobile food cart design should reflect your brand image and attract your target customers. Consider incorporating branding elements such as colours, logos, and signage to create a cohesive and memorable brand experience. The cart’s aesthetics should align with your cuisine’s ambience and theme.

6. Cost and Budget

Determine your budget for purchasing or customizing a mobile food cart design. Different designs come with varying costs, and customization options can add to the overall expense. Evaluate the return on investment and the long-term feasibility of the chosen design within your budget constraints.

7. Functionality and Versatility

Assess the functionality and versatility of the mobile food cart design. Can it accommodate different cooking methods? Is it easy to clean and maintain? Are there options for expanding or modifying the cart in the future? Consider the future growth and evolution of your business when selecting a design.

More Food and Drink Cart Ideas:

An effective point-of-purchase display not only pushes sales up but also pulls in great marketing opportunities for a brand. Below are samples and top advantages of utilising a mobile display cart in your marketing campaign.

A mobile drinks cart is a portable unit designed to serve a variety of beverages on the go. It typically includes storage for drinks and ingredients, refrigeration, dispensing systems, and a workspace for preparing and serving drinks.

Utilizing a bicycle for restaurant promotion is indeed a great marketing technique used by Bill’s. Since people have a great fondness for this particular means of transport, they are easily hooked with this outdoor promotional display.


Designing a mobile food cart requires careful consideration of various factors, including location, menu, space, permits, branding, budget, functionality, and sustainability. By understanding these factors and following best practices, you can create a successful mobile food cart that meets your business goals and provides a memorable experience for your customers.

Remember that successful mobile food cart design involves a combination of creativity, strategic planning, and attention to detail. Investing time and effort into designing a functional, attractive, and efficient mobile food cart can create a thriving business that stands out in the competitive mobile food industry.

Take the time to research and explore different design options, consult with experts, and gather feedback from potential customers.

We at the ODM Group and our designers are here to assist you!