Looking for a unique and effective way to promote your brand? Consider offering magazine subscriptions with gifts. In this blog, we will explore how Attelages magazine, a French equine publication, leverages this strategy to provide value to its subscribers. Discover the types of gifts they offer and why magazine subscriptions with gifts are an excellent promotional tactic. Additionally, we’ll explore three ways your brand can utilize magazine subscriptions with gifts as a promotional tool, highlighting the benefits and significance of this approach.



About Attelages Magazine

Attelages magazine has been a trusted source of information for horse lovers for many years. Focused on harnessing and carriages for horses, Attelages appeals to a target audience that spends a great deal of time outdoors.

What Kind of Gifts are Offered with Magazine Subscriptions?



Attelages magazine goes the extra mile by offering three free gifts to any subscriber who commits to a one-year subscription. These gifts include a torch lamp, a cap, and a polo shirt. While these items may seem standard, they are incredibly useful for the target audience. Let’s explore why:

  • Torch lamp: Perfect for horse riding at night, this essential item ensures safety and visibility.
  • Cap: With strong sun rays being a constant companion during outdoor activities, the cap provides protection and comfort.
  • Polo shirt: By wearing this polo shirt, subscribers proudly showcase their association with Attelages magazine to the world.

Attelages magazine has carefully considered its audience’s needs when selecting these gifts. Each item serves a practical purpose, making them highly relevant to the subscribers’ lifestyles.

Why Magazine Subscriptions with Gifts are a Good Promotional Tactic

Magazine subscriptions with gifts offer a unique and effective way to promote your brand. Here are a few reasons why they make an excellent promotional tool:

1. Increased Perceived Value

Offering gifts along with magazine subscriptions increases the perceived value of your offering. It adds an extra incentive for customers to subscribe and enhances their overall experience.

2. Long-lasting Impact

Magazine subscriptions provide ongoing engagement with your brand. Subscribers keep magazines for weeks or even months, repeatedly interacting with your content and reinforcing your brand presence.

3. Targeted Reach

Magazine subscriptions allow you to reach a highly targeted audience. By selecting a niche magazine like Attelages, you can ensure that your promotional efforts are focused on individuals who are genuinely interested in your industry or niche.

3 Ways Your Brand Can Benefit from Magazine Subscriptions with Gifts

  1. Subscription Incentives: Similar to Attelages magazine, offer free gifts to customers who subscribe to your service for a specific duration. This approach not only incentivizes new customers but also encourages existing subscribers to renew their subscriptions, fostering loyalty and long-term relationships.
  2. Event Giveaways: Consider distributing magazine subscriptions with gifts at industry trade shows, conferences, or other events. By offering valuable content and exciting gifts, you capture the attention of potential customers and leave a lasting impression.
  3. Direct Mailings: Use magazine subscriptions with gifts as part of your direct mail marketing strategy. Including a subscription offer with exciting gifts adds a tangible and valuable element to your outreach, increasing the likelihood of recipients engaging with your brand.

Benefits & Significance of Offering Magazine Subscriptions with Gifts

Offering magazine subscriptions with gifts brings several key benefits and significant advantages for your brand:

– Enhanced Brand Perception

Providing gifts along with magazine subscriptions boosts the perceived value of your brand. It creates a positive impression and enhances brand loyalty.

– Increased Brand Exposure

Magazine subscriptions with gifts allow your brand to attract attention and stand out from competitors. Customers will remember the unique offering and associate it with your brand.

– Targeted Marketing

By selecting a niche magazine relevant to your target audience, you can ensure that your promotional efforts reach individuals genuinely interested in your industry. This targeted approach improves the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

– Extended Brand Engagement

Magazine subscriptions provide a longer period of brand engagement compared to other forms of advertising. Subscribers repeatedly interact with your content and gifts, extending the reach and impact of your brand.

Key Takeaways and Conclusion

Attelages magazine has successfully utilized magazine subscriptions with gifts as a means to engage and retain subscribers. By providing practical and relevant items, they have created a compelling incentive for individuals passionate about the equine world.

Magazine subscriptions with gifts offer a unique and effective way to promote your brand. By utilizing this promotional tactic, you can increase the perceived value of your offering, reach a targeted audience, and leave a long-lasting impact.

The benefits and significance of offering magazine subscriptions with gifts include enhanced brand perception, increased brand exposure, targeted marketing, and extended brand engagement.

In conclusion, incorporating magazine subscriptions with gifts into your promotional strategy can provide a unique and effective way to engage your audience, promote your brand, and leave a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Why are magazines a good promotional product?

Magazines offer longevity, targeted reach, and enhance brand authority. They are perceived as having higher value and offer content marketing opportunities.

  1. How can my brand utilize magazines as promotional items?

You can offer subscription incentives, distribute magazines at events, or include them in direct mailings.

  1. Are magazines cost-effective as promotional products?

Yes, compared to custom-made products or gadgets, magazines have lower production costs and wider distribution potential.

  1. How do magazines enhance brand awareness?

Magazines can be shared, displayed, and attract attention beyond your immediate target audience, increasing brand visibility and reach.

  1. Can magazines help establish my brand as a thought leader?

Yes, by including informative articles, tips, or case studies, magazines allow you to showcase your expertise and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.