Prosecco Wine Promotion – GWP Glass Flutes

Prosecco, Italy’s famous sparkling wine had come up with a great in-pack promotional idea. For every GWP, glass flutes were included with each bottle in the UK. This was a great way for the company to promote theirwell known for their imports of high quality wines. Having in-pack glass flutes with your product encourages consumers to immediately taste your wine.


Prosecco Wine In-store Promotion – GWP Glass Flutes


Why GWP glass flutes go well as an in-pack promotion?

Having glass flutes in your GWP adds to the enjoyment of tasting the beverage. This leaves a positive impression on your brand which, in turn, attracts audiences to buy your products. They may be potential customers who’ve yet to try them, or consumers who buy from competing brands but are looking for something different. In other words, an in-pack promotion can immediately translate to an increase in sales and profit. Here are some other benefits for incorporating this promotional strategy.

  • Stimulate sales: For first time customers, it may be challenging for them to find the best wine to buy based on the bottle alone. Therefore, it is nice to have a wine glass included, to entice consumers in to trying your wine.
  • Customer Retention: For those who have bought your bottle for the first time and plan to buy a new one, they’ll find themselves excited to see that they can obtain more glasses with another purchase.
  • Brand Awareness: Having glass flutes bundled with your product adds elegance and class, which in turn, presents your label to the market as a high quality beverage.


Prosecco Wine In-store Promotion – GWP Glass Flutes


  • More value for money: Customers will find your merchandise more valuable, because they are paying for good quality wine with excellent quality wine glasses included.
  • Design appeal: For this campaign to match your product’s appearance, the box and the bottle need to match. Therefore, customisation is encouraged to achieve the perfect standards to suit your brand.

Prosecco Wine In-store Promotion – GWP Glass Flutes


Why ODM?

Of course, there are other ways in promoting your products, depending on what you would like. We offer easy and simple ways to promote your product, that will help improve your marketing strategy. If you are interested in how to get started, do get in touch with us here.

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