Promotional Products

Advertising LED Clocks and Signs for Brand Exposure

Marketing in bars and restaurants is becoming more and more creative. From Beer cap signs to custom shaped coasters – food and drinks companies are constantly looking for new ideas to stand out from the crowd. So in current fast-phase era, were people are so occupied by their busy schedule, that they lose track of time, the advertising LED Clocks and Signs can become a great hit in you marketing campaign.

Advertising LED Clocks and Signs for Brand Exposure

That is why companies, especially the in the beer industry, have shifted to using LED clocks and signs. Our Advertising LED clocks and signs are perfect for advertising product. These items are sure to stand out more than the traditional clocks and signs, whether it be indoors or outdoors.

Advertising LED Clocks and Signs for Brand Exposure

 How can advertising LED clocks and signs help promote your business?

  • Enhances brand visibility. Incorporating the use of proper lighting, this item can immediately garner attention from the crowd. This makes it a great tool for brand visibility.
  • Upholds brand reputation. Clocks have been used by many as symbol of status, grandeur and wealth. With advertisements taking the form of these timepieces, audiences will immediately regard your label as a premiere brand.
  • Brand awareness.  Any passerby, greeted with fancy design and flashy lights, are sure to take immediate notice of your brand – This is a great way to let potential customers know about your product.
  • Design Appeal. These LED clocks and signs make use of a photo frame to make your advertisement more appealing to customers.

Advertising LED Clocks and Signs for Brand Exposure

What are the specifications of these LED clocks and signs?

  1. Body: The LED photo frame or clock uses a one set material which includes a metal ring, LED lights located on the back side, a light guide place, and a light guide mylar and adaptor.
  2. Printing: Design are printed on a PET paper which allows various ways on having layouts be printed. This includes inkjet printing, laser printing and digital printing.
  3. Available sizes: The diameter of the product ranges from 158 mm, 250 mm to 350 mm.
  4. Adaptor: The item uses a European standard type adaptor plug, but can be adjusted to any country upon request.

Advertising LED Clocks and Signs for Brand Exposure

There are a lot of ways to market your product, and one of the best ways it bringing the glow to your brand is by taking advantage of our advertising LED clock and sign for your business. Ready to make your brand shine? Get in touch with us now.

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