Make Your Holiday Marketing Right with Branded Seasonal Merchandise!

Businesses use seasonal merchandise to create a buzz in the crowded market during holidays. They flooded the market with products relevant to the occasion being celebrated.

For instance, during the Chinese New Year, all kinds of zodiac animals are all over the place; for the Valentines season, markets are overflowing with heart-shaped items; for Halloween, scary merchandise is everywhere; and during Christmas season, all places are covered with lights.

Seasonal Merchandise

Seasonal Merchandise


As most celebrations mean merry-making, drink brands are among those businesses that never let any occasion pass by without conducting marketing gimmicks to make their products noticed. Let’s take Stella Artois, for example. We’ve seen the brand’s custom design glass idea in Hong Kong as part of its Christmas promotional campaign.


What About Stella’s Seasonal Promotion?

Let’s talk about the glass design first. Since the Christmas season comes once a year, providing something that customers cannot buy during regular days is one of the advantages of promoting custom design merchandise during this season.

Stella Artois’ custom printed glass is crafted specifically for the holiday season. Though they also offer free glasses in their previous drinks promotion ideas, this exclusive glass is a must-have for the brand’s loyal drinkers.

This free 500ml chalice emits Christmassy appeal because of the customized design printed on each glass. Thus, this GWP is a great collectable item for glass and drinks collectors.

Seasonal Merchandise

Seasonal Merchandise


Furthermore, the packaging of this product is something that customers cannot ignore. We have seen some of its seasonal merchandise before for the Valentine season, and we can say that its promotion is always a surefire in the retail market. For the Christmas season, Stella emblazoned its packaging with Christmas-themed designs.

Seasonal Merchandise

Seasonal Merchandise


Benefits of Seasonal Merchandise During Holiday Promotion

It is undeniable how custom design products appeal to consumers. You, as a business owner, are customers of other products or brands as well. And you are probably enticed whenever you see uniquely designed items. The same goes for your customers.

Using seasonal merchandise in promotion has a lot of benefits for any brand. Let’s talk about how it can help your company.

1. Create an active and dynamic appearance.

Of course, you don’t have to change your signature branding to stand out. You have to do a little tweak to your existing products to give your brand a fresh appeal.

Providing seasonal merchandise and services proves that your brand is actively thinking of better ways to please and offer the best services to your consumers. Alternatively, being consistent in your seasonal marketing makes customers and competitors watch out for your next promotional activities. It leaves an impression to your audience that your brand is an icon in the industry whilst making you a threat to your competitors.


2. Renew customers interest.

As you can notice, there are seasons where your sales are lower than usual. And this is indeed a normal thing to experience. However, having it regularly is a bad sign for a business. So to renew your customers interest in your brands, try to get by with the trend and never miss any occasion to promote your products.

Dressing up your brand can help draw attention back to your company, causing an upswing in traffic, engagement and definitely sales.


3. Create immediacy in your campaigns.

The tendency for seasonal merchandise to be phaseout in the market after a holiday is very high. This is why they usually come as limited offers or limited editions.

But aside from this reason, seasonal merchandise creates immediacy in your marketing campaigns. It urges shoppers to grab such once in a lifetime offer. The idea is that a seasonal campaign always has an expiry date, and thus it can help spur customers into missing the deal once the season ends.

Seasonal Merchandise

Seasonal Merchandise


Indeed, this free promotional glassware product is an excellent example of seasonal merchandise. The brand emphasized that this offer is limited and originally crafted for the holiday season in the product packaging. Thus, it gives shoppers the idea that they have to avail of this promo before the season ends.


4. Form an emotional connection.

Important holidays often stir up positive emotions among customers. They might recall happy moments with friends or families. Honestly, there are seasons of the year where people always want to remember.

These occasions are perfect for tapping your customers’ emotions and forming connections with them. Christmas, for instance, is the perfect occasion to conduct holiday marketing ideas. Getting an emotional response from your customers fosters good relationships.

Consequently, they are most likely to remember your brand when they feel that connection. Therefore, incorporating seasonal touches into your products stirs customers’ emotions, encouraging them to purchase those items.


More of Stella Artois’ Case Studies

We are indeed very familiar with Stella Artois’ brand. Take a look at these case studies about the brand’s promotional activities we have written in the past years.


Here’s another example of the brand’s seasonal merchandise ideas for the Valentine season. Indeed, Stella Artois always make sure that their brand stands out in every season of the year.


In Conclusion,

Needless to say, seasonal merchandise is proven effective to increase your sales during holiday promotions. But to make them truly effective, you have to consider still a few things like the planning time, the promotional period, the budget, and most importantly, your clients. Keeping these things in mind will surely help your business achieve its marketing goals.


Let Our Team Help You!

At ODM, we believe that the design of a product is more than just an aesthetic. It plays a very significant role, especially when it comes to marketing. Thus, we always make sure that the design and the services we provide to our clients serve their purpose.

We designed our products with the help of our experienced product designers from Mindsparkz. From custom business giveaways to branded gift with purchase merchandise, we always ensure that all are crafted according to our clients’ needs.

Do you want our team to design and produce your promotional merchandise this year? Feel free to get in touch with our team today to get started on developing a product that will go above and beyond your expectations! Let’s work together to bring your ideas to life!


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