Promotional products often have the most impact to your marketing efforts when timed right. Kinder surprise just did an Easter promotion – simply buy the Kinder suprise Easter pack to get a basket full of Kinder Surprise chocolates together with an inflatable mascot.

What makes this a great promotion is that it takes advantage of the holiday to draw attention to its egg shaped chocolate as an easter egg. This helps increase sales for Easter.  As a promotional product, the inflatable doll helps to convey that they are a child friendly product, helping reaffirm their marketing and brand positioning as a result.

The basket packaging can also provide utility to adults as they can be reused, ensuring that the promotion is also friendly to other ages. Lastly the packaging indicates exclusivity which can help increase value of the promotion.

This case teaches that with the right promotional product and timing, companies can potentially increase their revenue for a period where there is a lot of competition in the market.  More ideas below…