Recently, I saw this interesting advertisement on Twitter for a branded beer foamer. It comes from a popular Japanese Beer company, Suntory. The device, loosely translated, is called the “Shin Bubble Server”.  It comes as an on-pack gift with every purchase of a 12-pack or 24-pack.


Beer is a well-loved drink of many people. However, some are a little fussy with the amount of foam in their beers. The device is able to make you canned beers very foamy, just like the draught beers served at bars.

Branded Beer Foamer

Here are 5 reasons why a branded beer foamer makes a great on-pack gift for beer companies.


  1. Originality

The Japanese are really innovative when it comes to technology and product design. Suntory’s branded beer foamer is a never-seen-before product in the market. Hence, it will definitely entice customers to purchase their beer to try the product out.

Branded Beer Foamer


  1. Practicality

Suntory says the product that “will make your canned beer foamy like a draught beer served at bars.”  This branded beer foamer will definitely make a great on-pack gift for beer-lovers who crave for draught beers.  Furthermore, with the current Covid-19 pandemic, many people are advised not to go out often and some restaurants, bars and clubs are also closed. Hence, this device is incredibly useful.

Branded Beer Foamer


  1. Customisability

You can customise this beer merchandise to whatever colour you like. In addition, you can have your brand logo printed on the product.


  1. Easy to use

The shape of the device is well-designed for the user to grip. To use the product, firstly the user has to pour about 80% of the beer. Then, attach the device to the side of the can, and the remaining beer will foam up.  Furthermore, there is no need for washing.


  1. Convenient to Use

The device is compact and light so it is portable. In addition, it also comes with a wall magnet, so you can attach it to a fridge door, making it very easy to find.

Branded Beer Foamer


Overall, this product is a very innovative on-pack offer for beers that will definitely intrigue many beer lovers and could drive sales. If you are looking for interesting on-pack gift or promotional product ideas, you can reach out to our team. We also have an in-house design team – Mindsparkz, that can help with designing and coming up with gift ideas!


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