Promotional Products

Contest Giveaways: Exciting Marketing Campaign by Nescafe

Nescafe is a well known company that still uses contest giveaways. What can we say about this marketing tool? Is it effective enough and innovative? Does it have the expected results? (see our blog on the different promotional products and their effects).

Contest Giveaways Exciting Marketing Campaign by Nescafe

Nestlé is one of the most popular coffee brands in the world. In fact, about 5.500 cups of Nescafé are drank every second. But even a trusted company like Nestlé knows that it has to stay competitive. For instance to have a good marketing campaign is a way to be sure to stay under the spotlight! Contest giveaways are a simple and efficient way to attract the attention, to gain more client and to do customer retention.

In this giveaway, the clients that buy one Nescafé product will be able to be in the contest. The first prize was a Mercedes-Benz car, the second was a scooter Yamaha. Indeed, Nestle has chosen high-value first prizes to make the contest more appealing.

Why we love contest giveaways

Contest giveaways can help you work on your your brand value (see this article on promo giveaway on our site). Contest giveaways gives a good reason to the client to think your brand is more trendy than the others. Thus, they will think that the product must be nicer.

  • Visibility: to participate, clients have to connect on your website, to like your Facebook page, or to subscribe to your newsletter. So you can improve highly your number of followers.
  • Fun and engaging: The giveaway brings something new to the routine of the regular passive client. He will be able to see if he is the lucky winner. Furthermore, it’s a win or win for him, as he has nothing to lose (if the contest is free of charge). Also, to do a contest is attracting and funny. Some studies show how the human nature likes competitive activities.

The direct benefits on your brand

Contest giveaways are not always the solution. The decision on launching or not a giveaway will depend on different points. The type of clients you are trying to reach, the brand image you want to project, your direct competitor’s strategy etc. Apart from these, contest Giveaways improve the following points:

  • Drives sales: induce purchase by distinguishing yourself from the others products on store/ proposing something different.
  • Creates a positive experience for the client who will remember longer your brand’s name.
  • Increases consumer loyalty by creating a relationship with the consumer
  • Affordability: you can easily choose the budget you put in the contest adapting to your marketing budget.


At ODM Group, our products designers will put together the designs for your contest prizes. Also, we take in charge the conception of your prizes to the delivery of your item. Take a look at the different services we propose.  We can help you choose what custom promotional merchandise you would like as giveaways.


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