Custom Products

5 Ways to Double Up Your Promotion with Custom Shaker Bottles

Custom shaker bottles or portable blenders are slowly rising in popularity. These items are used to mix up protein or fruit shakes, such a perfect work out buddy or companion in a busy day ahead. Have you ever imagined how this can be an excellent and promotional product? Get ready to make your brand name boom with this case study.

ODM-3431 Custom Shaker Bottle

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Custom Shaker Bottles

1. Low Cost

Custom promotional bottles are one of the most inexpensive forms of advertising. This is a cost-effective measure you can take to reach more people strategically than TV, print ads, radio, or even paid advertisements on the internet.

2. Free Mobile Form of Advertising

It is the best way to promote your brand as it is reusable and mobile in nature. People can carry it anywhere, exposing your brand at any place and any moment. Custom shaker bottles increase brand visibility and awareness without spending more money. It is faster than other traditional business marketing you can ever think of.

3. Simple Way to Spread Your Brand’s Message

With this kind of advertising, you’ve got the freedom to pick things like the water bottle’s shape, how the label or logo will appear, and fonts to be used. You get to choose your brand’s personality and the message on it.

4. Personalized Impact

Who would not love a custom promotional shaker that makes them recall a good experience? People can see, use and remember one; and prefer keeping it instead of throwing them away. People are also becoming more Eco-friendly. They often look for products that would serve their needs and satisfy the social urges while spreading the message around at the same time.

5. Showing How Your Business Cares

Protein and fruit shakes are way too helpful in one’s health. These are some nutritious drinks that people incorporate into their daily lives. Making a portable blender or custom shaker bottle your promotional item shows how your business cares for your target audience. As a result, you will look very health-minded. Looks are everything when it comes to advertising. The custom bottle is certainly a trouble-free strategy to come up with a statement concerning your company, that is, you value your clients’ overall health and wellness. It will help you leave your brand’s imprint on their minds and boost your revenue shortly.

ODM-3431 Custom Shaker Bottle

ODM-3431 Custom Shaker Bottle

Fueled up to have these custom shaker bottles promote your brand too? Quote ODM-3431 when contacting the ODM group!

ODM designs, sources, and manufactures custom promotional products. Our talented team of in-house product designers can design the perfect custom promotional bottle for you.

We also offer product brainstorming sessions and a range of custom promotional merchandise perfect for your brand. Feel free to contact us today to find out more about how we can help your brand with your marketing needs!


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