Promotional Products

3 Hacks For An Impressive Marketing Display Stand That Drives Results

The Laughing Cow has recently caught our attention, thanks to its Tet Holidays- marketing display stand. The huge promotional poster is hard to miss- not to mention the bold colors used in this POS display unit.

Marketing Display Stand

With that in mind, how does one create an impressive marketing display stand? We will explore these pointers with a case study from The Laughing Cow.


Here are some things to consider to create an impressive Marketing Display Stand

1. Make Your Display Stand Out:

There are many ways that this can be done, including the use of vibrant colours, and making your display prominent by making it large enough to be seen from a distance. Making your display stand out is very important, as a custom display shelf that stands out attracts customers to your display. This helps to communicate your brand message to your audience effectively, which could eventually move customers to purchase them. The Laughing Cow demonstrates this well, as their display looks vibrant in bright red, making it very visible.

2. Get Your Message Across

Getting your message across can be a challenging task for marketers but The Laughing Cow did it right in their recent promotions with their custom POS display  It is important that the message you want to convey through your display is concise and straight to the point. This is because potential customers will not have the time to read a wordy display could bore them right away. The Laughing Cow’s display is concise, with few words used. The picture also demonstrates the joy customers would get out of their products.

3. Use Promotion Products Together With the Display:

Another way to direct your customers’ attention to your in-store marketing display is to make use of custom promotional products and marketing giveaways. In today’s world, it is very important to go the extra mile to impress any potential customers. There are many promotional tools that can be used together with a display. This includes in pack offers, on pack offers, and complimentary gifts with purchase.


With these tips, your company will be able to create an effective and attractive product display stand that will help maximize your marketing and advertising. When creating your own display stand, it is necessary to make sure that your promotional tools complement your brand. Also, keep in mind that your company does not force its brand onto the customer, as that could turn them away.

Is your company interested in creating an attractive marketing display stand? If so, feel free to get in touch with us! We specialize in designing and manufacturing promotional products for business, so we will be able to help you get your dream project fulfilled!


Here are some blogs related to Marketing Display Stands

If you would like another example of an in store display that is attractive to customers, feel free to look at this Despicable Me movie marketing promotion.


Have a read on the mistakes to avoid when creating your own POS display here. Certainly useful in helping your company to make the right decisions!


In need of a cool idea to promote your products? Maybe an LED retail display could be the product for your company!