Hipp, a famous baby food0 brand, has decided to run a simple but effective on-pack promotion. Simply purchase any Hipp medley and you will receive a free magnet that your children will definitely enjoy.

Promotional Magnets by Hipp

Magnets make great On Pack/In Pack gifts since they are quite affordable and can be customized easily. These magnets are a perfect compliment to Hipp’s image and they are sure to draw the children’s attention. This way, loving parents will have no choice but to buy a promotion package, which will help to increase sales. In addition, Hipp’s promotional magnets come in different designs, which encourages customers to repeat sales adding up to the effort of this promotion.

Moreover, the magnets are shaped in a form of Hipp’s feature character – a cute funny elephant. The kids will love the way it looks, and for the parents it will serve as a permanent brand reminder.

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A few words in Russian about this promotion for our local readers:

Hipp, производитель детского питания, запустил новую промо-акцию – при покупке детского пюре, Вы получаете магнит на холодильник в подарок. Магнит – хороший вариант для промо-подарка по нескольким причинам. Во-первых, он не требует больших затрат, во-вторых, их легко прикрепить к промо-упаковке и, в-третьих, большинство размещает магниты на холодильник – самое популярное место во всем доме. Поэтому наращивание узнаваемости бренда гарантировано.