Categories: Promotional Products

This Supermarket Advertising Display Makes Wishes Come True

This CNY supermarket advertising display by Sunkist is one of the most interesting POS displays we have seen so far. Promoting their CNY contest, they used a bespoke display with a cutout tree at the center, colorful posters, and relevant props.

Supermarket Advertising Display

When shopping we tend to go for products that attract us visually. Pretty displays always turn heads. What we like about this elaborate display is the combination of different props as they lend depth and texture. People have now become more interested in their in-store contest.

Here are the things that stood out to us:


Design Elements that Piqued Our Curiosity

Standee of an Orange Tree

Supermarket Advertising Display

The standee is the focal point of this display. The colors are vivid and really eye-catching. There is a significant reason why they used an orange tree poster. Orange is traditionally given as gifts around Chinese New Year. Asians, especially the Chinese, believe that it brings good fortune as orange represents gold and wealth.


Custom-Shaped Posters

The addition of custom shaped posters on the trees is also a great idea. It not only promoted their orange beverage, but they also worked as a decor. It made the cutout tree look more alive.


Gold Bars

Supermarket Advertising Display

Everything about this display screams “fortune,” “wealth,” and “luck.” The addition of gold bars reinforces that image.


Contest Giveaways

Supermarket Advertising Display

“Stand a Chance to Get Your Prosperous Wish Granted with Any Sunkist Pure Orange 1L” is written on the poster. Since this is the

Fake Grass

We also love the use of fake grass in this display. It blends well with the orange and green product packaging. Furthermore, it lends great texture to the whole display. It gives the impression that this is a “fresh and all-natural” product.


Why Use a Supermarket Advertising Display?

Increase Foot Traffic – There are so many eye-catching products in the supermarket that compete for attention. Having a custom POS display can help your visibility exponentially. Products on the front and side aisles are easily noticeable but how about those around the middle sections? This is where a supermarket advertising display comes in. A bespoke POS display can help your customers locate your products, thereby increasing foot traffic and ultimately, sales.

Supermarket Advertising Display

Boost Brand Remembrance – Your supermarket advertising display should be able to help you create a strong brand recall by fulfilling customers’ needs. In our example, one can see that Sunkist is positioning itself as a brand that will bring customers good luck in the New Year. This will surely help keep the brand on top of consumers’ mind.

Raise Brand Awareness – An eye-catching POS display is central for a successful in-store marketing campaign. In this case, branding is visible in every part of the display.

Raise Sales – One of the goals of having a supermarket advertising display is to drive impulse purchases. In this example, Sunkist pulls in customers by offering a “CNY Wish.” Once people see this, they will be motivated to buy even more than they actually need to increase their chance of winning.


Our Key Takeaways…

Sunkist did a great job advertising their CNY promotions. Using a supermarket advertising display is one way to make their brand stand out. It shines a spotlight on the products and make them the center of attention. Furthermore, it helps in creating a vivid image of your brand.

Do you like this point of sale display ideas? Well, our team can help you come up with great POS display design ideas for your business. You can also rely on us for effective and high-quality promotional products suitable for your branding requirements. Contact us today!


If you need more examples of supermarket advertising displays, check these blogs out!


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