LOOK: Video Advertising Display + Custom Frame for Guinness Singapore

Out with printed posters, in with video advertising display ideas. At least, that’s how it is in many Singapore supermarkets now. The commercials they automatically play can build up shopper’s awareness of the shelved products. And Guinness gives it more flavor by covering the edges with a custom frame.

Video Advertising Display – Custom Frame for Guinness Singapore

We talked about the same brand a few posts back when they used neon signages to promote in bars. Here is one more example of Guinness advertising. The largeness of neon sign is a total contrast to the small tablet in a shopping area. However, this point-of-sale promo might work even better.

Let’s call attention to a couple of materials that make it great: the LCD screen and the full-colored frame.

Video Advertising Display – Custom Frame for Guinness Singapore

The monitor shows decent screen quality. Despite the size, it has a small speaker and buttons to change the modes or turn it on/off. Mounting it on a rack isn’t difficult, thanks to the angular hook on its back.

What’s interesting about the screen is that you can program it to play a video for hours on end. Once there’s a new commercial to show, simply load that into this monitor, and you’re good to go.

Video Advertising Display – Custom Frame for Guinness Singapore

Moreover, the frame that overlaps on the LCD has a promotional value as well. The board expands it by 2 to 3 inches on all sides. This width not only hides the monitor buttons for a seamless look but also lets the manufacturers brand it with full-color printing.

Perks of Using a Video Advertising Display + Custom Frame

  • Close Marketing. This brand has all the means to make a free-standing POS in the middle of the aisle. Rather than wowing the crowd after entering the store, Guinness’ plan is to surprise them when the goods are within reach.
  • Boosted Profits. The consumers will then have no time to forget the ads since they’re basically face to face with the products on sale. An ideal train of events is that these people will grab beer cans after watching the clip. That, of course, affects your number of sales positively.
  • Lower Spending. A video advertising display also allows you to reduce the cost of marketing. You don’t need to hire staff to promote the brand; the infomercial can do it on your behalf. Creating thousands of posters isn’t essential either; the customized frame attached to the monitor will suffice.

To Wrap It Up

This video advertising display has the coolest elements required for a promo success. The LCD screen appeals to the tech savvy consumers. The board that Guinness framed it with is well-branded too with the products that the mature audience may love.

And, you know what, it may last as long as the digital POS displays that we have below:

We hope it’s clear to you now that a video advertising display will work 200%. In case you want to campaign in a supermarket or outdoors, The ODM Group is always available to help you. Just send your inquiry at the website, and we’ll attend to your needs ASAP. Good luck!