POS Displays

Case Study on BOOST Free Standing Display Marketing

If you have a new product or a popular item that you hope will catch people’s attention, what would be the best way to promote it so that customers can’t surely miss it? A free-standing display may be the answer to your problems. Just like what BOOST did in the supermarkets in the Philippines, it literally boosts its marketing using a custom design POS display.

free standing display

How Free Standing Display Helps Boost in Promotion?

Commonly known as free-standing display and more formally known as FSDUs or floor standing display units, this type of POP display is used in retail stores and sometimes exhibitions to display products to customers. We are likely to see these display units placed all over the shop, often at the end of the aisles and near to the tills especially in supermarkets and food stores. But how do these POS displays really help in a product promotion?

  1. Draws customers’ attention
  2. Advantage over competitors
  3. Boosts brand visibility
  4. Simple
  5. Flexible

How BOOST Stand-Out in the Supermarkets?

BOOST™ Optimum, a product designed to address the needs of the aging body, with a particular focus on filling in the nutritional gaps for those who are 50+, is making an impact on its customers in one of the busiest supermarkets in the Philippines by using a free-standing display. Here are the reasons why:

#1 Custom Design Free Standing Display

Look at how BOOST leverage its custom design free-standing display. The cylinder structure is perfect for the shape of its products. The branding color is totally maximized in the design. The gold accent calls attention to people in the ages 50+ and tells something about taking care of one’s health. Its benefits are clearly seen in every row.

#2 The Story Behind the Celebrity Endorsement

The featured models are already in their 50s. But did you know what’s more surprising about them? Both actors were in the 1984 youth-oriented comedy film Bagets (which is a local colloquial term for “youth”). In a way, the tagline “Lakas Maka-Bagets” effectively stirs their customers’ memories. The other co-actors of the film were encouraged to have a simple reunion after publishing the ad so, the customers’ attention was fully hooked! Since they share the same age, watched the same movie, and the same vibes. What a smart advertising move, isn’t it? The point here isn’t about the celebrities’ endorsement but the story behind the promotion. So in every product that we promote, let us try to create a story our customers can relate to.

#3 Product Usage

See how did they maximize their products on each row? They displayed various sizes of the product to market to the customers. As a result, people will know that their product comes in different size containers. Notice where they placed the rack – on the aisle of the same nutritional drinks. The position of the products also showed its uniformity and orderliness.

free standing displays

Your Next Move

So, what to do now? A free-standing display unit can be essential in taking your product and brand to its next level. It can be customized depending on what is best and suitable for your product. It takes only a short amount of time to set up but can produce a huge impact on your sales.


ODM’s Free Standing Display Ideas

ODM has already proven its credibility by creating some of the market-leading free-standing display units for clients in China and around the world. By investing in quality FSDU and relying on our team for our creative expertise, you are one step ahead of your competitors. Get ready to achieve fantastic brand exposure and experience the potential to dramatically increase sales.

If you are interested in making your own FSDU, do not hesitate to contact us or send us an email to get a detailed quotation for your next project!


More Free Standing Display Ideas…

Kit Kat recently advertised this unique in-store display at Qatar Airport in the Duty-Free Zone.


The French Pen company BIC, is now offering their pens through creative in-store displays.


Krusovice took center stage on the shop floor with their unique, eye-catching POS display for beer.


Milka is currently advertising with an original POS Display in China.


Here we have a fantastic in-store display fabricated by Nestle for one of my personal go-to comfort gummies- Frutips,

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of POS displays?

There are three different types of POS displays such as Temporary Displays, Semi-Permanent Displays, and, Permanent Displays

What are the differences between Temporary, Semi-Permanent, and, Permanent Displays?

Temporary displays are designed to last 2-3 weeks in retail. Semi-Permanent displays are designed to last between 2-3 weeks and 6 months. While Permanent displays are designed to last 1-3 years on a retail floor.

What does POS stand for in retail marketing?

Point of sale or POS refers to the place where a customer executes the payment for goods or services. It aims to attract more customers to purchase.