Promotional Products

In-Pack Gift: Find Out How Milo Excels at Marketing In Vietnam!

Who doesn’t like getting free gifts? Nobody! Everybody likes getting something for free along with the purchase of any product. Hence, this is exactly the reason why an in-pack gift promotion is such a great idea for any product. However, many brands realize this, leading to shelves being filled with on-pack promotions offered everywhere.

But alas, not all in-pack gifts are the same! Some in-pack gifts manage to rise high above others by effectively utilizing certain factors to create an excellent promotional product. A great example would be this promotional Milo gift pack.

In-Pack Gift

This promotional gift pack was found in a supermarket in Vietnam. This cardboard gift pack contains the main product, the Milo powder, as well as the free gift, the black mug. The packaging is in the signature green colour of Milo.


Why Do We like This In-Pack Gift?

In-Pack Gift


Attractive Packaging: The custom packaging design of this promotional gift pack is extremely attractive. The packaging incorporates the effective use of the trademark green colour of Milo.

The packaging also contains clear plastic to let customers view the Milo bottle and free gift of the mug as well, which will definitely be appreciated by customers. A small but quirky detail is the painted handle of the black mug handle. This not only allows customers to visualize the mug but also adds a sense of quaintness to the product!


Related and Useful Free Gift: The in-pack gift included the Milo powder, and the black mug, which not only looks cool but is also very useful. People prepare Milo by adding the powder to a mug, followed by hot water. Thus, providing customers with a mug increases convenience for your customers.

In addition, almost everybody uses mugs on a daily basis, thereby making them a perfectly free gift which almost everyone will appreciate.

In-Pack Gift


Brand Differentiation: The attractive and eye-catchy custom packaging design of the promotional Milo gift box will also make the product stand out on the shelves at any supermarket. Hence, this increases the brand’s visibility to customers, which will greatly increase brand awareness.

Highly Customizable: The custom box holding the in-pack gift is highly customizable, giving you the opportunity to add whatever you like. This presents brands with the perfect opportunity to effectively use branding, attractive colours, and unique designs to make their brand stand out from the rest.

In-Pack Gift


Take a look at this another exciting in-store promotion from Milo Vietnam:


How We Can Help You?

Want a similar in-pack gift with custom packaging for your brand? We can help you with that! ODM designs, sources, and manufactures custom promotional products. Our team of extremely talented in-house product designers can design the perfect in-pack gift, custom packaging, or any other custom promotional product for your brand. Not sure what you are looking for? Well, we got you covered!

We also provide product brainstorming sessions to come up with a range of custom promotional products perfect for your brand. Do not hesitate to give us a call today to find out how we can help your brand with your marketing needs.


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